Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Ever-changing Diverse Booklists, Recommends and Resources for Teachers and Librarians

Recently we had an email come through from a NYC school teacher who was on the hunt for new diverse book titles for her home and classroom bookshelf. Her question to us was; did we have access to any new lists or multicultural book recommends?

We LOVE questions like that!

Truth-be-told, there are tons of booklists and resources on the Multicultural Children’s Book Day site and we are adding new ones all the time.

From blog posts, author visits, directories of book and even an e-book, MCBD has a ton of Diverse Booklists and Book Recommends for Teachers and Librarians. Here are a few resources that everyone might find helpful:

Diverse Booklists, Recommends and Resources for Teachers and Librarians

1.Our FREE Classroom Empathy/Understanding Refugees Kit has great classroom tools plus a bunch of great diverse book recommends.


2.We also have a Free Kindness Classroom Kit for Homeschoolers, Organizations, Librarians and Educators:

2017 Classroom Kindness Kit

​3. ​Free Diversity Book Lists and Activities for Teachers and Parents​ can be found here.

Diverse Booklists for Teachers

4.For several years, MCBD has teamed up with the Children’s Book Council (CBC) to create a unique campaign on the MCBD blog called the Book Jam. The Book Jam allows published authors and CBC member to create booklists of their own around a specific topic. Book Jam 2018 will be starting January 1 and run all month. It’s a great way to discover new titles!

#ReadYourWorld Book Jam 2018, Eight Picture Books with Diverse Family Constellations

5.In 2016, MCBD spent months compiling and diverse booklist for parents, teachers and librarians on every possible subject, culture, religion and race we could. The result is the Read Your World: A Guide to Multicultural Children’s Books for Parents and Educators​; a “Best Of” list of diversity books lists for children contributed by 20 bloggers and 2 authors that can be purchased on Amazon. Proceeds from our e-book support the Free Diverse Books for Classrooms Project.

Multicultural Children's Book Day ebook

​6. The Co-Founders! There are two co-founders for MCBD and both are powerhouses when it comes to sharing multicultural booklists and book recommends. Mia Wenjen is a long-time mom blogger and a new author! Her site, Pragmaticmom, is overflowing with amazing diverse booklists on every topic imaginable. The second co-founder of MCBD is children’s book publisher, Valarie Budayr. Valarie is not only the co-founder, she is an author herself. She also runs a very popular children’s book review site called Jump Into a Book. Over the last 7​ years she has amassed a plethora of wonderful book reviews and booklists. To see her treasure trove book booklist, click the “Read” tab on her site. To see individual book reviews with companion activities, click the “Book Play” tab.

Multicultural Children's Book Day Co-founders Valarie Budayr and Mia Wenjen

Lastly, if you are looking for a diverse kids’ or YA book, we’d like to give you one! ​We have an ongoing Free Books for Classrooms project that you can sign up if you are an educators and we also have opportunities to sign up as book reviewer for MCBD2018 (sign up closes 12/31/17).

As always, thank you for your support!



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