Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

classroom kit Tag

If you’ve been following the news,  you’ll know that July was the hottest month globally in recorded history.  The United Nations has warned that the era of global boiling, yes, you read that correctly global boiling was here.  It is no longer global warming and this my friends is scary.

At Read Your World, our mission extends beyond promoting diverse and multicultural books; we also seek out books that leave a lasting impact on our young readers, nurturing tomorrow’s adults.

As our tenth Multicultural Children’s Book Day holiday approaches on Thursday, January 26, 2023, we are thrilled to have you as part of our amazing community of supporters! With enthusiasm, optimism, and hope, we are preparing for MCBD 2023 and hope you will once again join our celebration of diversity through children’s books.

During last year’s Twitter party a topic that came up often was children’s mental health as a result (or as a side effect) of the pandemic.  This includes but is not limited to anxiety, depression, social isolation, sadness, pandemic fatigue, and mindfulness techniques: in other words, “surviving Covid-19.” We read your Twitter posts and your requests for mental health resources for kids. We listened, and now we’re happy to share with you this year’s classroom kit: Mental Health Support for Stressful Times.  

In this classroom kit, you’ll find resources on 

Racism is endemic to the United States and many societies, yet we often struggle with how to discuss it with our children. Recent events have made clear the danger of delaying these uncomfortable conversations. We must educate our children about racism so that we can root out this cancer eating away at the vitals of our society OR so they can carry forward the work of creating a more just and equitable society.

Racism is not just about the actions of individuals. Racism plays a significant role in determining the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age. These factors affect people’s access to quality housing, education, food, transportation, political power, and other social determinants of health.

WE HAVE SOMETHING NEW! INTRODUCING MCBD'S World Travel from your Homeschool Table: A Diverse Kidlit Booklist & Activity Kit for Homeschoolers and Distance Learners. This is a Bonus Kit that we created as a resource for homeschoolers. As you may already know, we create free, info-packed kits that are packed with diverse booklist suggestions and companion activities...

Multicultural Children’s Book Day

 Classroom Poverty Kit 2019

Poverty Doesn’t Discriminate | Understanding Poverty in America

Is ready for download!

Understanding Poverty in America

As our sixth Multicultural Children’s Book Day holiday approaches on January 25, 2019, we are thrilled to have you as part of our amazing community of supporters! With enthusiasm, optimism, and hope, we are preparing for MCBD 2019 and hope you will, again, join our celebration of diversity through children’s books.