Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Our Latest Free Class Kit is HERE! Raising Awareness on Systemic Racism in America

Our Latest Free Class Kit is HERE! Raising Awareness on Systemic Racism in America

Racism is endemic to the United States and many societies, yet we often struggle with how to discuss it with our children. Recent events have made clear the danger of delaying these uncomfortable conversations. We must educate our children about racism so that we can root out this cancer eating away at the vitals of our society OR so they can carry forward the work of creating a more just and equitable society.

Racism is not just about the actions of individuals. Racism plays a significant role in determining the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age. These factors affect people’s access to quality housing, education, food, transportation, political power, and other social determinants of health.

Understanding and addressing systemic racism from this public health perspective is crucial to eliminating racial and ethnic inequities, and to improving opportunity and well-being across communities. With conversation, empathy, education, and open minds​, paired with the books, resources, and activities in this guide, ​we can all work together to eliminate racism, empower women, stand up for social justice, help families, and strengthen communities.

Conversations, Books, and Kids:  Raising Awareness on Systemic Racism in America

Our Latest Free Class Kit is HERE! Raising Awareness on Systemic Racism in America

The MCBD Team has spent considerable time creating the resources for our Multicultural Children’s Book Day FREE Classroom Kit— Conversations, Books, and Kids:  Raising Awareness on Systemic Racism in America.

Within this free downloadable Classroom Kit, you will find:

*Books recommendations

*Activities for home or classroom

*Resource links

*Free downloadable and printer poster by Isabel Roxas

GO HERE to download your FREE Classroom Kit.


More Free Classroom Kits

(Downloadable “kits” that focus on a relevant topic, a diverse booklist that supports that topic, and classroom-friendly activities that allow for deeper discussion and learning)

     “When you lack empathy for a population, you don’t feel their suffering, and you do not support policies to … address the challenges the population faces.”

— David R. Williams

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