Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

FREE Teacher Classroom Poverty Kit

To access this FREE kit and all our kits click HERE

FREE Classroom Poverty Kit 2019: Poverty Doesn’t Discriminate | Understanding Poverty in America

Our FREE Classroom Kit contains:

~27 Classroom Books that will help Readers Understand Poverty in America for ages 4 -12

~ Two Classroom or Home Activities

~ “Poverty Doesn’t Discriminate” Classroom Poster thanks to the talents of award-winning illustrator, Mehrdokht Amini

~Helpful Poverty Talking Points for Teachers

~Links, resources and services available to under-served families in the U.S.A


FREE Classroom “Empathy” Kit:  

The free Classroom Empathy Kit focuses on empathy and compassion through shared booklists and special home or classroom activities. The kit includes 18 book recommendations on the topic of Understanding Immigration and Refugees, Classroom Empathy Activities, and a very special custom printable Empathy Poster courtesy of author/illustrator Juana Medina. Educators, parents, and librarians can sign-up to receive the free classroom kit here:

FREE Poverty Doesn’t Discriminate: Understanding Poverty in America Classroom Kit:  

Created in 2018, this free classroom kit includes over 2 dozen poverty in the U.S.-themed book recommends for ages 4-12, two classroom or home activities, and a copy of the official “Poverty Doesn’t Discriminate” Classroom Poster thanks to the talents of award-winning illustrator, Mehrdokht Amini.

FREE Teacher Classroom Physical and Developmental Challenges Kit: Understand and Celebrate Our Differences


Thank you for cultivating understanding, kindness, inclusion, and exploration of this beautiful world in your classroom.