Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Multicultural Children’s Author Tag

  A whole year of planning, organizing, and preparing comes down to one day and one day only, Multicultural Children’s Book Day!  One of the best things about MCBD is our Twitter Party, the excitement going on for an hour, the tweets, retweets, and the book giveaway bundles!  The excitement continues on social media even if the...

It's HERE! We are thrilled and excited not only that our official 2020 poster is complete, but also because award-winning author/illustrator Jerry Craft was the creator! Multicultural Children's Book Day Official 2020 Poster Not only do we love Jerry's style, but we also knew we wanted a poster that reflects older children this year. Jerry rose to...

World Languages for our Multicultural World

First Global Challenge, an international competition, brought teen-agers from over 150 countries around the world to Washington, D.C. this summer. Students collaborated across countries and borders to build robots which would reduce water contamination. A keynote speaker observed that in the future there would be many opportunities for budding scientists from around the world to work together for peaceful purposes.

This is the world that we need to prepare our children for. Regardless of their career choices or where they may live, it is more probable than ever that they will be communicating and working with people from diverse language and cultural backgrounds.

How do we best prepare our children for success in the multilingual, multicultural 21st century?

Judy Martialay

Let’s give them an early start learning a foreign language. One can learn a language at any age, but children who start early have more years to become truly proficient and to have a marketable skill.

Max the Taco

Those who know Seema Vora Bakhru best also know that she loves tacos. From recipes to social media, this first-time author has always gravitated (and ate!) tacos in all shapes, sizes and flavors. Inspired by a love of tacos, a creative mind and her own two young boys, Seema started thinking about how her obsession with tacos could be a fun book for kids.

It’s only been a few weeks since the mind-blowingly awesome 1/27/17 MCBD celebration and we can promise all of you that we are still recovering!

Again, the MCBD team was touched and elevated by the overwhelming support and enthusiasm surrounding our diverse children’s literature online celebration. In the days following the crescendo of the event (the crazy-fun Twitter Party) we all have spent hours sifting through the amazing thoughts, comments and requests that were offered up during our Twitter Party on 1/27/17 and picked the best-of-the-best share with our valued 2017 Sponsors.

Here is just a sampling of the Special Moments we LOVED from Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2017.

Go HERE to view this info-packed blog post and you can also get a larger sample of our Twitter Party Storified HERE.

Another notable accomplishment we pulled off during the fast-paced months preceding MCBD is the fact we published an eBook as a fundraiser for ongoing MCBD projects! It is currently for sale on Amazon here.
Read Your World: A Guide to Multicultural Children's Books for Parents and Educators