Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

multicultural children’s book publisher Tag

  A whole year of planning, organizing, and preparing comes down to one day and one day only, Multicultural Children’s Book Day!  One of the best things about MCBD is our Twitter Party, the excitement going on for an hour, the tweets, retweets, and the book giveaway bundles!  The excitement continues on social media even if the...

One of the many missions of MCBD is to always be shining the spotlight on authors of diverse kidlit. Thanks to the talents of MCBD Team Member and long-time CoHost, Leanna Guillen-Mora, we are excited to announce the addition of a reoccurring Instagram Live feature! Every Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. ET., followers can tune in and learn more about these amazing authors and their books.

Over the last 9+ years as Project Manager for MCBD, I’ve had the honor of working with a wide range of amazing authors who are all striving to create beautiful books that fill a gap and a need.

One thing I know for sure is that, when I ask them why they write diverse books for kids or teens, they never say, “I write books because I want to make a million bucks.”



Welcome to the One Step Further Blog Tour!

To celebrate the release of One Step Further by Katherine Johnson and her daughters Joylette Hylick and Katherine Moore, and illustrated by Charnelle Pinkney Barlow on January 5th, blogs across the web are featuring exclusive photos and stories from the life of NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson, plus 5 chances to win a hardcover copy!

With ONE STEP FURTHER, author Katherine Johnson shares what it was like for her daughters to be a part of her history-making path. Filled with personal reflections, exclusive family archival photos, and striking illustrations, readers will be immersed in this deeply personal portrayal of female empowerment, women in STEM, and the breaking down of race barriers across generations. Historical notes, photo/illustration notes, and a timeline put the story into a historical and modern-day context.