Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Multicultural Children’s Book Day Spotlight Tag


Welcome to the One Step Further Blog Tour!

To celebrate the release of One Step Further by Katherine Johnson and her daughters Joylette Hylick and Katherine Moore, and illustrated by Charnelle Pinkney Barlow on January 5th, blogs across the web are featuring exclusive photos and stories from the life of NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson, plus 5 chances to win a hardcover copy!

With ONE STEP FURTHER, author Katherine Johnson shares what it was like for her daughters to be a part of her history-making path. Filled with personal reflections, exclusive family archival photos, and striking illustrations, readers will be immersed in this deeply personal portrayal of female empowerment, women in STEM, and the breaking down of race barriers across generations. Historical notes, photo/illustration notes, and a timeline put the story into a historical and modern-day context.

Max the Taco

Those who know Seema Vora Bakhru best also know that she loves tacos. From recipes to social media, this first-time author has always gravitated (and ate!) tacos in all shapes, sizes and flavors. Inspired by a love of tacos, a creative mind and her own two young boys, Seema started thinking about how her obsession with tacos could be a fun book for kids.

Chronicle Books

Chronicle Books

One of the most admired and respected publishing companies in the United States, Chronicle Books was founded in 1967 and over the years has developed a reputation for award-winning, innovative books. The company continues to challenge conventional publishing wisdom, setting trends in both subject and format, maintaining a list that includes fine art titles in design, art, architecture, and photography. Inspired by the enduring magic and importance of books, our mission at Chronicle Books is to create and distribute exceptional publishing that is instantly recognizable for its spirit, creativity, and value.

Chronicle Books is an independent publisher based in San Francisco. Inspired by the enduring magic of books, we create distinctive publishing that’s instantly recognizable.

Starting Thursday, January 26th, through Tuesday, January 31st, our Multicultural Children’s Book Day ebook will be FREE on Amazon!


Read Your World: A Guide to Multicultural Children’s Books for Parents and Educators is a “Best Of” list of diversity books lists for children contributed by 20 bloggers and 2 authors:

Alex Baugh of Randomly Reading

Amanda Boyarshinov of The Educators’ Spin On It

Valarie Budayr of Jump Into a Book

Erica Clark of What Do We Do All Day?

Rebecca Flansburg of Frantic Mommy

Anna Geiger of The Measured Mom

Svenja Gernand of Colours of Us

Michelle Goetzl of Books My Kids Read

Jennifer Hughes of The Jenny Evolution

MaryAnne Kochenderfer of Mama Smiles

Marie-Claude Leroux of Marie Pastiche

Katie Logonauts of The Logonauts

Stephanie Meade of InCultureParent

Katie Meadows of Youth Literature Reviews

Leanna Guillén Mora of All Done Monkey

Becky Morales of Kid World Citizen

Carrie Pericola of Crafty Moms Share

Jodie Rodriguez of Growing Book by Book

Melissa Taylor of Imagination Soup

Mia Wenjen of PragmaticMom


Uma Krishnaswami, author

Elsa Marston, author

Author Charlotte Riggle

Charlotte Riggle is a writer and a reader and a passionate advocate of picture books. Her first book, Catherine’s Pascha, is as beautiful as Pascha itself, with words that sparkle and illustrations that glow with the joy of the feast. Catherine doesn’t like vegetables. She doesn’t like naps. She doesn’t like it when her mom combs her hair. She loves hot dogs, chocolate cake, and her best friend, Elizabeth. Most of all, she loves Pascha! Pascha, the Orthodox Christian Easter, is celebrated in the middle of the night, with processions and candles and bells and singing. And Catherine insists that she’s not a bit sleepy.

author Charlotte riggle