The Multicultural Children’s Book Day Official 2020 Poster is HERE!
It’s HERE! We are thrilled and excited not only that our official 2020 poster is complete, but also because award-winning author/illustrator Jerry Craft was the creator!
Multicultural Children’s Book Day Official 2020 Poster
Not only do we love Jerry’s style, but we also knew we wanted a poster that reflects older children this year. Jerry rose to the task and created this exceptional and memorable Multicultural Children’s Book Day Official 2020 Poster.
Download your poster HERE.
About Jerry Craft
JERRY CRAFT is an author and illustrator. New Kid is his middle-grade graphic novel that has earned five starred reviews, including one from Booklist magazine, which called it “possibly one of the most important graphic novels of the year.” Kirkus Reviews called it “an engrossing, humorous, and vitally important graphic novel that should be required reading in every middle school in America.”
He is the creator of Mama’s Boyz, a comic strip that was distributed by King Features Syndicate from 1995-2013, and won five African American Literary Awards. Jerry is a co-founder of the Schomburg’s Annual Black Comic Book Festival. He was born in Harlem and grew up in nearby Washington Heights. He is a graduate of The Fieldston School and received his B.F.A. from the School of Visual Arts.
How YOU Can Get Involved In MCBD2020
As you know, MCBD is a non-profit that works with authors to get their books reviewed during our online event and also works to get free diversity children’s books into the hands of young readers.
The online event/holiday takes the last Friday of every January so this year it will fall on 1/31/20 and this will be our SEVENTH Multicultural Children’s Book Day celebration! We would love to have you participate in our upcoming event and here are a few ways you can do so:
- Donate Books:For our next online event, we will have hundreds of book reviewers signed up to review diverse children’s books on their blogs or on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Authors and publishers have the option of offering copies of their multicultural children’s books to our reviewers to review and write a social media review about. There are no guarantees that we will be able to match your book to a reviewer(s), but if this interests you, let me know. We will provide you with names and addresses and you mail your book directly to the reviewer.
Go here to sign up as a book donator.
**NOTE: We do not limit book reviewers to just bloggers. There are so many book-loving moms who have vibrant social media channels we have opened up review options to include social media to give those who are not bloggers a chance to share books with their followers.
- Multiple options for Sponsorship: Sponsorship is not only a great way to support this event; it is an excellent way to get your name (and your books) in front of thousands of readers. All of our Sponsors get a name mention within the hundreds of reviews that get posted from December through to the end of January and also on the sites of our 20+ CoHosts sites. First consideration for matching books to reviewers always goes to our paid Sponsors first as well.
Go here to learn more: https://readyourworld.org/sponsorship/sponsorship-info/
- Connect with us on social media and share, share, share!Our official hashtag is #ReadYourWorld
– Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MulticulturalChildrensBookDay
– Twitter https://twitter.com/MCChildsBookDay
-Instagram https://www.instagram.com/readyourworldmcbd/
-Reminder: The hashtag for this event is #ReadYourWorld
- Guest post: We are always looking for quality guest posts from authors and publishers on the MCBD blog. If you’d like to share the details of your writing journey and details of how your book came to be, we’d love to have you. I’ve attached some guidelines for your review.
- Join our private Facebook Group: This group has grown and evolved into something very special. Feel free to joinand I will add you 🙂
MCBD Links to remember:
MCBD site: https://readyourworld.org/
Free Multicultural Books for Teachers: http://bit.ly/1kGZrta
Free Classroom Empathy Kit for Homeschoolers, Organizations, Librarians, and Educators: https://readyourworld.org/mcbd2018s-free-classroom-empathy-kit-is-here-empathy-immigration/
Free Kindness Classroom Kit for Homeschoolers, Organizations, Librarians, and Educators: https://readyourworld.org/teachers-classroom-kindness-kit/
Free Diversity Book Lists and Activities for Teachers and Parents: http://bit.ly/1sZ5s8i
Hashtag: Don’t forget to connect with us on social media and be sure and look for/use their official hashtag #ReadYourWorld.!