Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Twitter Party Q’s and Prize Bundles

Let’s PAR-TAY!

The Multicultural Children’s Book Day (MCBD) 2022 Twitter Party is coming and Make A Way Media is Sponsoring it!

MCBD’s mission from Day One has been to not only raise awareness around kid’s books that celebrate diversity but to also get more of these types of books into classrooms and libraries. Their passion for diversity in children’s literature and shining the spotlight on amazing books that help young readers see what is possible align completely with the vision and goals of Make A Way Media.

The ninth annual Multicultural Children’s Book Day is coming on January 28, 2022.

Also, on Celebration Day (1/28/22), MCBD will be hosting their annual (and hugely popular!) Twitter Party and Super Platinum Sponsor Make A Way Media will be sponsoring this epic hour of fun, discussions on literacy, diverse book recommendations, networking, and sharing ideas on how we can better serve our educators and homeschool parents. During the Twitter Party, MCBD gives away a kidlit book bundle every five minutes and they joke that it is the “fastest and ‘fun-est’ hour of the year.”

And it is!

It is common for the conversations and connections to continue for hours after the party officially ends.

So, mark your calendars for 1/28/22 at 9:00 p.m. on Twitter and be sure and follow BOTH Make A Way Media and MCBD on that platform! #ReadYourWorld

Q’s and Book Bundles!

Question 1 (9:00 pm): Are you having uncomfortable conversations about racism and white privilege with your kids or other people?

Prize Bundle #1:

  • Usha and the big digger by Amitha Jagannath Knight
  • In our Skin by Shellon Pagnotta
  • One Whole Me by Dia Mixon
  • Twin Power by Benjamin and Kiyandra Young
  • Celebrating Chinese New Year by Eugenia Chu
  • Neem the Half Boy by Idries Shah
  • Soul Food Sunday Winsome Bingham
  • If you were me and lived in India…By Carole P. Roman
  • Justice Makes a Difference by Dr. Artika Tyner

Question 2 (9:05 pm): What resources on racism and white privilege do you recommend or seek?

Prize Bundle #2:

  • Like Spilled Water by Jennie Lui
  • That Can be Arranged by Husa Fahmy
  • Mae Jemison by Dan Greenberg
  • Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee
  • Finding Mighty Sheela Chari
  • Danny Chung Sums it Up by Maisie Chan
  • Hunting by the Stars by Cherie Dimaline
  • Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko
  • Crazy Horse and Custer by SD Nelson

Question 3 (9:10 pm): Has the pandemic made your children feel anxious, isolated, or depressed? Can you recommend books that have helped?

Prize Bundle #3:

  • Tu Youyous Discovery: finding a cure for Malaria by Songju Ma Daemicke
  • Inspired to be Superheroes by Crystel Patterson
  • The Book of Untold Stories by Sherri Maret
  • Marcus Teaches Us by Eleanor Wint
  • Silly Chicken by Idries Shah
  • The Star Festival by Moni Ritchie Hadley
  • Boo Hoo Baby by Cressida Cowell
  • Mojo Biografija by Ulfet Mahmout
  • How To Code a Sandcastle by Josh Funk

Question 4 (9:15 pm): How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your and/or your kids’ reading life?

Prize Bundle #4: A very special Book Bundle from the Guests of KidLitTV!

  • Yuyi Morales BRIGHT STAR / LUCERO
  • Lesa Cline-Ransome BEING CLEM
  • Yehudi Mercado FUN FUN FUN WORLD
  • Lesa Cline-Ransome and James Ransome OVERGROUND RAILROAD
  • Pat Cummings TRACE
  • Andrea Davis Pinkney Martin Rising: Requiem For a King

Question 5 (9:20 pm): What diversity topics in children’s books do you wish there were more books on?

Prize Bundle #5: A Five Enchanted Mermaids Merchandise Bundle!

Introducing our beautiful new Sofia mermaid book and doll set. Super cute 11-inch plush Sofia doll, in her own coordinating luxurious embroidered carry bag, bundled with high quality, the hardcover version of “Hi, I’m Sofia”. Makes a fabulous birthday or holiday gift. Both the Sofia doll and Sofia book are also available separately.

**Bonus Prize! One copy of Language Lizard’s Multicultural book, Vaccines Explained.

Vaccines Explained describes how vaccines work, their history, and why they are important.  The author, a public health expert, uses simple text to help readers understand this topic. The colorful, multicultural illustrations help bring the book to life! Perfect for readers of all ages, Vaccines Explained includes access to a free lesson plan with extension activities to support both younger and older learners, links to additional child-friendly information on vaccines, and audio in English and Spanish.

Question 6 (9:25 pm): Our Classroom Kit this year is about activism and activists. What are your favorite books on these topics?

Prize Bundle #6: Win a set of 9 bilingual children’s books from Platinum Sponsor, Language Lizard! These books are a mix of languages and themes too!  Each book includes English text along with one other language, so children will learn about many different languages. The set includes contemporary stories, folktales and fables, and more! Plus, it will include books from the Language Lizard Living in Harmony Series and the brand new World of Stories Collection, all of which include links to multicultural lesson plans and activities.

Question 7 (9:30 pm): What do you hope diversity and multicultural books will teach your children?

Prize Bundle #7: A HUGE Thank you goes out to MCBD2022 Sponsor, Tonya Duncan Ellis, for donating her chapter books for this bundle!

  • Sophie Washington: Queen of the Bee
  • Sophie Washington: The Snitch
  • Sophie Washington: Things You Didn’t Know About Sophie
  • Sophie Washington: The Gamer
  • Sophie Washington: Hurricane
  • Sophie Washington: Mission: Costa Rica
  • Sophie Washington: Code One
  • Sophie Washington: My BFF
  • Sophie Washington: Lemonade Day

Question 8 (9:35 pm): What are your favorite diverse children’s and YA books this past year? Let’s give them a shout-out!

Prize Bundle #8: 

  • Justice by Kymbali Craig
  • The water year by Max Howard
  • Sick Girl Secrets by Anna Russell
  • Some Girls Bind by Rory James
  • Rising Out by M. Azmitia
  • Flamer by Mike Curato
  • Hunting by the Stars by Cherie Dimaline
  • A Soft Place to Land by Janae Marks
  • I Am American by Maya Chhabra

Question 9 (9:40 pm): What genre of children’s books do you think lacks the most diversity? (board books, picture books, easy readers, early chapter books, graphic novels)

Prize Bundle #9: Nine Beautiful books from Tuttle Publishing!

Established in 1948 by Charles E. Tuttle, Tuttle Publishing is the premier publisher of English language books on Asian culture. Today, Tuttle maintains an active offering of books on a wide range of topics; including Asian culture, literature, architecture, gardening, cooking, martial arts, origami and crafts, travel, health and wellness, spirituality, and fine art for a worldwide audience.

Keep up with Tuttle! Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | Newsletter

**Bonus Prize! A copy of the newest books in the Language Lizard World of Stories Collection: The Three Little Howlers & The Three Little Sun Bears.

How will The Three Little Howlers escape from the fierce jaguar? How will The Three Little Sun Bears escape from the ferocious Siberian tiger? With beautiful illustrations set in the rainforests of Central America and Asia, these retellings of The Three Little Pigs will charm readers of all ages. The books include access to free multicultural lesson plans and audio sound files in English and Spanish.


Question 10 (9:45 pm): Publishers like language Lizard, Hoopoe Books, and TimTimTom books all offer books in as many as 50 languages. What languages do you feel still are not represented well in children’s literature?

Prize Bundle #10: 

  • Imani’s Undersea Adventure by TM Jackson
  • If you Were Me and Lived in Viking Europe by Carole P Roman
  • Sissy Goes Tiny by Rebecca Flansburg and BA Norrgard
  • How I Survived Four Nights on the Ice by Serapio Ittusardjuat
  • Twin Power by Benjamin and Kiyandra Young
  • The Lio Who Saw Himself in the Water by Idries Shah
  • The Star Festival by Moni Ritchie Hadley
  • Marcus Teaches Us by Dr. Eleanor Wint
  • The Big Beach Cleanup by Charlotte Offsay

Question 11 (9:50 pm): What other ways could Multicultural Children’s Book Day support readers, parents, and educators in our quest to raise awareness for the importance of diversity and children’s literature?

Prize Bundle #11: TBD

  • Snorkel McCorkle and the Lost Flipper by Linda Thornburg and Katherine Archer
  • One Flip, Two Flip, Three Flip, Four by Crystel Patterson
  • Inspired to Be…I Am Different by Crystel Patterson
  • Feliz New Year! by Alexandra Alessandri
  • This Is The Earth by Deedee Cummings
  • In The Nick of Time by Deedee Cummings
  • Gabriela’s Dance Recital by Jill Barletti
  • In My Mosque by MO Yuksel
  • Crazy Horse and Custer by SD Nelson

Question 12 (9:55 pm): What topic do you think we should do for our next Classroom Kit?

Bundle 12-GRAND PRIZE!

  1. Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko
  2. Danny Chu Sums it Up by Masie Chan
  3. Justice Makes a Difference by Dr. Artika Tyner
  4. Child of the Flower-Song People by Duncan Tonatiuh
  5. Kayla: A Modern-Day Princess: Book One by Deedee Cummings
  6. Kayla: A Modern-Day Princess: Dishes, Dancing, and Dreams by Deedee Cummings
  7. Kayla: A Modern-Day Princess: Tough as Tulle by Deedee Cummings
  8. The Challah Girl by Bracha K. Sharp
  9. One Whole Me by Dia Mixon
  10. Gabriela’s Dance Recital by Jill Barletti
  11. Soul Food Sunday by Winsome Bingham
  12. Mightier Than The Sword by Rochelle Melander

This party is a wonderful opportunity to connect, share, win prizes and discuss important topics related to our world and diversity in children’s literature. GO HERE to see all of the amazing book bundles that we will be giving away every 5 minutes during the Twitter Party (over one hundred books!). It will be a fun-n-fast hour of diversity, literacy, collaboration, connection, and conversation. Connect with us on Twitter and be sure and look for/use our official hashtag #ReadYourWorld.



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