Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Spotlight on a Sponsor! Wisdom Tales Press

We are so excited and proud that powerhouse publisher Wisdom Tales Press has joined us as a Platinum Sponsor for our upcoming 2015 MCCBD!

Wisdom Tales is the name of the children’s book imprint of the award-winning publishing house, World Wisdom, which was founded in 1980. Wisdom Tales publishes both children’s and teen titles and was created for the purpose of sharing the wisdom, beauty, and values of traditional cultures and peoples from around the world with young readers and their families. The content, illustrations, and production quality of these books is intended to assure them a lasting value for children, parents, teachers, and librarians.

MCCBD 2015 Platinum Sponsor!

MCCBD 2015 Platinum Sponsor!

Wisdom Tales Press is an award-winning publishing house in Bloomington, Indiana. Wisdom Tales publishes both children’s and teen titles and was created for the purpose of sharing the wisdom, beauty, and values of traditional cultures and peoples from around the world with young readers and their families.

Wisdom Tales Press

As a multicultural children’s book publisher who deeply cares about getting qualitative diverse books into the hands of children, this year we want to emphasize our titles which showcase friendship, tolerance and respect of others as well as those with “teaching moments.”

Wisdom Tales Press Award Winners:


2014 Middle East Book Awards
USA “Best Books 2014” Awards (sponsored by USA Book News)
2014 Aesop Awards/Accolades (awarded by the Children’s Folklore Section
of the American Folklore Society)
2014 Benjamin Franklin Awards
    • Children of the Tipi
      (by Michael O. Fitzgerald)

      • Gold Medal in the category “Interior Design (3 or more Color; Children’s/Young Adult)”
    • Custer’s Last Battle
      (told & illustrated by Paul Goble)

      • Gold Medal in the category “Young Reader: Fiction (8-12 Years)”

Compassionate Warrior: The USA Book News 2013 Best Books 2013 Multicultural Non-Fiction Finalist

Knight, the Princess & the Magic Rock: The ForeWord Magazine 2012 Book of the Year Award Picture Books Finalist,The (MIPA) Midwest Independent Publishers Association 2012 Book Achievement Award Illustration: Graphic Silver Medal,The (MIPA) Midwest Independent Publishers Association 2012 Book Achievement Award Interior Layout Silver Medal, The USA Book News 2012 Best Books 2012 Children’s Picture Book: Hardcover FictiFoninalist Finalist USA Book News,The USA Book News 2012 Best Books 2012 Best New Children’s Picture Book Finalist

Otter, the Spotted Frog & the Great Flood: The USA Book News 2013 Best Books 2013 Children’s Picture Book: Hardcover FictiFoninalist

Angels:  USA Book News 2013 Best Books 2013 Children’s Novelty & Gift Book Finalist




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