Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Platinum sponsor Tag

We are thrilled to feature Language Lizard on MCBD, and we appreciate their continued sponsorship as platinum sponsors.” – Multicultural Children’s Book Day Team 

Who is Language Lizard?  Besides being a long-time sponsor of Multicultural Children’s Book Day, Language Lizard provides educators, librarians, and parents with resources that develop literacy skills among language learners, build inclusive classrooms, and celebrate cultural diversity.

Language Lizard offers bilingual books and audio resources in 60+ languages, multicultural book sets, posters, and other culturally responsive teaching resources for diverse classrooms. Educators may download free multicultural lesson plans at  In addition, the company’s blog and free newsletter provide valuable information and special offers to educators and parents working with diverse children (sign up at

The company is running a giveaway of bilingual and multicultural books to newsletter subscribers and has already given away thousands of dollars worth of bilingual books. Anyone interested in supporting multiculturalism can enter their current giveaway at

Multicultural Children's Book Day is just around the corner on January 31st. It's a great time to reflect on whether your book collection is encompassing all perspectives. One of our authors, Lisa Travis, had a unique experience as a panelist for this topic at the last American Association of School Librarians conference. We thought we would...

Founded by two young mothers, Nancy Traversy and Tessa Strickland, in England in 1992, Barefoot Books has published 600+ multicultural books for children that encourage discovery, imagination, creativity and global citizenship.

Barefoot Books

Their first app, Barefoot World Atlas, has 4 million downloads, and their YouTube Channel has 80 million views. Most importantly, over nearly a quarter of a century, Barefoot has put more than 20 million books into the hands of children around the world. Now based in Cambridge, MA, Barefoot is leveraging its vibrant, timeless family brand with a social selling model that empowers women entrepreneurs. With a mission to “Share Stories, Connect Families, and Inspire Children,” Barefoot believes that sharing diverse and inclusive books nurtures compassion in our next generation, helping to create a kinder, more accepting world.

Barefoot books

Today would like to shine the spotlight on our other Platinum Sponsor for MCCBD: Daybreak Press Global Bookshop!

Daybreak Press

Daybreak Press was established in 2014 and is the publishing arm of Rabata, an international organization dedicated to promoting positive cultural change and the revival of the female voice in scholarship.

Daybreak Press celebrates the diverse voices of Muslim women and encourages them to tell their own stories. We publish the fiction, non-fiction, academic and poetic works of Muslim women, and our New Day Writing Contest provides an annual publishing opportunity for newly emerging authors.

Daybreak Press was kind enough to offer the amazing Sophia’s Journal by Najiyah Maxfield for our review bloggers to review for MCCBD.

Sophia's Journal

We are so excited and proud that powerhouse publisher Wisdom Tales Press has joined us as a Platinum Sponsor for our upcoming 2015 MCCBD!

Wisdom Tales is the name of the children’s book imprint of the award-winning publishing house, World Wisdom, which was founded in 1980. Wisdom Tales publishes both children’s and teen titles and was created for the purpose of sharing the wisdom, beauty, and values of traditional cultures and peoples from around the world with young readers and their families. The content, illustrations, and production quality of these books is intended to assure them a lasting value for children, parents, teachers, and librarians.

MCCBD 2015 Platinum Sponsor!

MCCBD 2015 Platinum Sponsor!

Wisdom Tales Press is an award-winning publishing house in Bloomington, Indiana. Wisdom Tales publishes both children’s and teen titles and was created for the purpose of sharing the wisdom, beauty, and values of traditional cultures and peoples from around the world with young readers and their families.

Wisdom Tales Press