Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Our Poverty Classroom Kit and 2019 MCBD Sponsorship Info!

Now that the kids are back in school (or college for a few of the MCBD team) things are “full steam ahead” with getting ready for Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2019.

First, we’d like to remind everyone of the 2019 date change (and future dates for MCBD as well).

Instead of being “every January 27th,” we are shifting to a “last Friday in January” focus so we don’t interfere with International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This change just felt right and we are glad to make this positive move. So, the next Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2019 will be on January 25, 2019.


Medallion and Author level Sponsorships for MCBD 2019 are OPEN!

I’m excited about this! Last year I had great results with promotions after participating. It also made me feel much closer to the kidlit community and introduced me to great bloggers. Thanks for opening up the event to all publishers.”~Author Elsa Takakoka

GO HERE to view the levels, download the Sponsor Packet, and lock in your 2019 Sponsorship ASAP.

Our 2018/2019 Classroom Poverty Kit is ready for download!

Our Poverty Doesn’t Discriminate: Understanding Poverty in America kit is ready to be downloaded and enjoyed by parents, librarians, and educators. This free classroom kit includes:

~Over 2 dozen poverty in the U.S.-themed books for ages 4-12,

~Two classroom or home activities

~Our official “Poverty Doesn’t Discriminate” Classroom Poster thanks to the talents of award-winning illustrator, Mehrdokht Amini

~ Helpful Poverty Talking Points for Teachers

~ Links, resources and services available to under-served families in the U.S.A.

Link to sign up on the website:

Link to Blog post:

As always this non-profit thanks you for helping us to continue our mission of getting diverse books into classrooms or the hands of young readers while also helping authors and publishers shine the spotlight on their work.

Our official hashtag is #ReadYourWorld



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