Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Lost Tribes

On My Desk | New Diverse Kids’ Books to Consider (2/9/18)

So…what in the world is “On My Desk” anyway?

This series got started because, with my role as Project Manager, I get to enjoy the avalanche of amazing multicultural books for kids that are donated to our project.  My office currently looks like a small bookstore and I love every second of it.

Being appreciative of every book that crosses my desk, I wanted to find a fun way to share those books with the loyal folks who show up here to read every week and support this non-profit. In that moment, On My Desk | New Diverse Kids’ Books to Consider was born! It’s my way of sharing some amazing titles that don’t always get the attention they deserve.

Here’s what the Mailman Book Fairy brought me this week:

On My Desk

Lost Tribes byAuthor Christine Taylor-Butler

Lost Tribes

Christine is an award-winning author of children’s literature: fiction and nonfiction for all ages. HHer speculative MG/YA series The Lost Tribes was published by Move Books in March 2015. In it, five seemingly ordinary kids discover their families may play a part in preventing the destruction of Earth and the known universe. The sequel: Safe Harbor released in March 2017.  A companion teacher’s guide with vocabulary and STEM-based activities is currently in development.

Real MVPKids

Real MVPKids

“Our mission is to inspire an honorable character in young men and women through healthy mentoring relationships, preparing Real MVP Kids® to live responsible and meaningful lives.”

Our MVP Kids® represent a wide range of ethnic and cultural diversity and are the stars of our products. The sixteen MVP Kids®, along with their parents, siblings and other family members, make up twelve families. An important goal of establishing our MVP Kids® throughout the product lines is to create familiarity and friendship for readers, a basis of trust to address serious life issues and challenges in products for maturing children. As we develop our products, they will follow the MVP Kids® as they grow from toddlers to adolescents. All MVP Kids™ products are designed to teach young readers how ti gain honorable character through healthy mentoring relationships while preparing them to live responsible and meaningful lives through books.

 The Swift Walker series by Verlyn Tarlton.

Swift Walker series by Verlyn Tarlton: Swift Walker loved to walk fast. His sister warned him, “One day, you’ll walk so fast you won’t be able to stop!” Sure enough, his speedy legs took him on a speedy journey to see all the oceans of the world. Swift Walker introduces kids to the continents, maps, and basic geography concepts with a fun character they can relate to.

Mama, Did Your Hear The News?

Sanya Whittaker Gragg has always wanted to make a difference in the lives of others.

Her debut book, “Momma, Did You Hear the News?”, is centered around ten-year-old Avery who is in a panic over the shooting of another unarmed black man. His parents decide it is time to have “The Talk”. They teach him and his brother a catchy and easy way to remember what to do if approached by an officer, while also emphasizing that all policemen are not bad.
A to the L to the I-V-E… come home ALIVE…that is the KEY!

Momma, Did You Hear the News? is the first of the Memorizethe5 series, with Book#2 on Bullying coming in March2018!


Osito wants to play, but his fur is growing slowly and he’s got the shivers. His new friend thinks covering this baby bear with honey and a coat of wildflowers is a good idea. Osito does get warm, but then the bees arrive, and he has to make a run for it!

This charming story by Lisa María Burgess is set in the mountains that traverse the US and Mexico, and takes inspiration from her childhood in the Sierra Madre of Chihuahua. In making the vibrant collages, Susan L. Roth created Osito and much of the landscape with tree bark paper, which has been made in Mexico since precolonial times. This story is bilingual for young readers, in English and Spanish.

What amazing diverse books have you discovered this week?

MCBD2018’s FREE Classroom Empathy Kit is Here!

Our gift to you- A Educator’s Classroom Empathy Kit

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to get your FREE Downloadable

Empathy Classroom Kit containing:

~ Book List – 18 books on Understanding Immigration and Refugees

~ Classroom Empathy Activities

~ Empathy Poster – printable

~ Multicultural Children’s Book Day Poster

~ Multicultural Children’s Book Day eBook

Read Your World: A Guide to Multicultural Children’s Books for Parents and Educators is a “Best Of” list of diversity books lists for children.

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