Middle Grade Spanish/English Bilingual Books & 5 Book Giveaway!
Please welcome Eric and Natalie Yoder with their list of Middle Grade Spanish/English Bilingual Books.
We are giving away 5 copies of their book, One Minute Mysteries: Short Mysteries You Solve With Math/Misterios de un Minuto: Misterios Cortos Que Resuelves con Matematicas. Please fill out the Rafflecopter at the bottom to enter.
Middle Grade Spanish/English Bilingual Books
1. One Minute Mysteries: Short Mysteries You Solve With Math/Misterios de un Minuto: Misterios Cortos Que Resuelves con Matematicas by Eric Yoder & Natalie Yoder
Now you can solve mysteries in English, Spanish or both! This award-winning title is now available as a bilingual book. Use it to expand your language and math skills at the same time. Each math mystery takes just one minute to read, and challenges a child’s knowledge in essential, age-appropriate math topics. [chapter book, ages 10 and up]
2. Cool Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Growing Up Latino in the United States edited by Lori Marie Carlson
Growing up Latino in America means speaking two languages, living two lives, learning the rules of two cultures. This book of poetry celebrates the tones, rhythms, sounds, and experiences of that double life. Here are poems about families and parties, insults and sad memories, hot dogs and mangos. [chapter book, ages 8 and up]
3. In My Family/En mi familia by Carmen Lomas Garza
This book is a tribute to the family and community that shaped the author’s childhood and life. Lomas Garza’s vibrant paintings and warm personal stories depict memories of growing up in the traditional Mexican-American community of her hometown of Kingsville, Texas. [chapter book, ages 6 and up]
4. The Day It Snowed Tortillas/El Dia Que Nevaron Tortillas: Folktales told in Spanish and English by Joe Hayes
This bilingual edition of the original book has all the beloved stories with new illustrations by award-winning artist Antonio Castro. Storytellers have been telling these stories in the villages of New Mexico for over four hundred years. The tales are full of magic and fun, updated for a modern audience. [chapter book, ages 10 and up]
5. Maximilian & the Mystery of the Guardian Angel: A Bilingual Lucha Libre Thriller by Xavier Garza
Eleven-year-old Maximilian tumbles over the railing at a lucha libre match in San Antonio and makes a surprising connection to the world of Mexican wrestling, and the greatest wrestling hero of all time: the Guardian Angel. An action-packed story with bold, comic-style illustrations. [chapter book, ages 8 and up]
6. Upside Down And Backwards/De Cabeza Y Al Reves by Diane Gonzales Bertrand
Six brief tales including an inadvertent ride in a new truck, strange elderly aunts, mysterious scratching noises at night, a mythical science-fair project, triumph over class clowns, and a thoughtful treatment of worms. The book literally flips over – starting from one cover is the English version and on the flip side is the Spanish. [chapter book, ages 7 and up]
7. Tina Springs Into Summer/Tina se lanza al verano by Teresa Bevin
An excellent bilingual text for children. This is the story of a Tina, an 11-year old girl who lives in a multi-ethnic, middle-class city neighborhood. Tina, biracial and bilingual, recounts her experiences with her friends who come from a blend of cultures typical of many modern urban communities. [chapter book, ages 8 and up]
8. Letters from Heaven/Cartas del cielo by Lydia Gil
Celeste is heartbroken when her grandmother dies, and nothing can make her feel better. But everything changes when mysteries letters from Grandma begin to arrive, each with a recipe of a favorite food she used to prepare. Celeste follows her grandmother’s advice and consoles herself by learning how to cook the dishes. [chapter book, ages 8 and up]
5 Book Giveaway of One Minute Mysteries: Short Mysteries You Solve With Math/Misterios de un Minuto: Misterios Cortos Que Resuelves con Matematicas!
We are giving away 5 copies of their book, One Minute Mysteries: Short Mysteries You Solve With Math/Misterios de un Minuto: Misterios Cortos Que Resuelves con Matematicas. Please fill out the Rafflecopter below to enter. We can only ship to U.S. addresses.
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