Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Multicultural Booklist

Please welcome Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen with her list of 8 Picture Books About Feeling Different But Finding Your Place. We are giving away 5 copies of her picture book Splatypus. Please fill out the Rafflecopter at the bottom to enter. 8 Picture Books About Feeling Different But Finding Your Place  1. Flight School by Lita Judge Little Penguin wants to fly...

Hard to believe it’s only a week until MCBD2018! I’ve been eyeball-deep in multicultural books for kids and I.Love.IT.

This series got started because, with my role as Project Manager, I get to enjoy the avalanche of amazing multicultural books for kids that are donated to our project.  My office currently looks like a small bookstore and I love every second of it.

Being appreciative over every book that crosses my desk, I wanted to find a fun way to share those books with the loyal folks who show up here to read every week and support this non-profit. In that moment, On My Desk | New Diverse Kids’ Books to Consider was born! It’s my way of sharing some amazing titles that don’t always get the attention they deserve.

So many amazing parents, teachers, and librarians have been sharing their plans for MCBD, we just had to pass on this magic to our supporters.

This email from Tam Hixson truly made our eyes leak!

“Just a quick update to let you know what MCBD has inspired in Lake Oswego, Oregon….

Last month we had a Kids Bake Sale with a goal to raise $1000. With the support of several individuals, groups, businesses, and local newspaper, we exceeded our goal and raised $1200. We’ve partnered with the school district librarian and 100% of the proceeds purchased a dozen multicultural books for all of the elementary schools in our district.

Please welcome Megan Dowd Lambert with her list of Eight Picture Books with Diverse Family Constellations.


Because of my lived experience as a mother in a multiracial, adoptive, queer, blended family, I appreciate seeing representations of families in picture books that exist and thrive outside of a White, heteronormative, nuclear family structure. I like writing such stories, too! Real Sisters Pretend, illustrated by Nicole Tadgell, is an adoption story that was inspired by two of my daughters, and its characters include two moms, one who is Asian and one who is White, and their two adopted daughters, one who is Black and one who is a multiracial child of color. It was published by Tilbury House in 2016, and was named a Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People 2017. It’s also included on the Center for the Study of Multicultural Children’s Literature Best Books of 2016 list and the CCBC Choices 2017 list.

Join us for Multicultural Children’s Book Day Twitter Party on Saturday, Jan 27th from 9:00pm to 10pm EST.

Multicultural Children’s Book Day Twitter Party

Use hashtag: #ReadYourWorld to win 13 book packages! Pre-register here for the Twitter Party.

This Twitter Party is hosted by me and my other co-founders Valarie Budayr of Jump Into a Book.

Here are the questions that we will be discussing along with each book bundle prize. We will be giving out the book prizes IN REAL TIME during the Twitter Party.