Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Multicultural Booklist

As you may already know, Multicultural Children's Book Day (MCBD) is an online and offline celebration that attracts thousands of supporters, educators, parents, caregivers, book reviewers, and quality authors and publishers who join forces to shine the spotlight on diversity in children and YA literature. Celebrated annually on the last Friday in January, this global non-profit offers...

WE HAVE SOMETHING NEW! INTRODUCING MCBD'S World Travel from your Homeschool Table: A Diverse Kidlit Booklist & Activity Kit for Homeschoolers and Distance Learners. This is a Bonus Kit that we created as a resource for homeschoolers. As you may already know, we create free, info-packed kits that are packed with diverse booklist suggestions and companion activities...

Children learn through observation. They try to model the actions and behaviors of adults who are either around them or who they learn about through stories. Stories about characters that a child can associate with are a powerful means to provide inspiration and role models to them, especially during the early developmental age. Keeping this in mind,...

Diverse Children and YA Book Reviewers -We need you for MCBD2021! (1/29/21) January 29, 2021, will mark the 8th year of Multicultural Children’s Book Day’s (MCBD) quest to get culturally diverse books into the hands of children, parents, teachers, and librarians. As you may know, Multicultural Children’s Book Day (MCBD) is a non-profit that works with authors...

As many of you know, Multicultural Children's Book Day (MCBD) is a global non-profit initiative that celebrates diverse authors and works year-round to raise awareness on the importance of diversity in children's literature. With our ears to the ground and eyes peeled (that is such an ODD phrase!!), we are also always on the prowl for...