Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Multicultural Booklist

Drumroll, please!!! Our Poster Reveal is here!!!

The official Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2024 poster is courtesy of Rebecca Burgess. Check out their website here.

Download a copy for your reading area, library, or classroom.  Click on the image below or click here to get your Read Your World 2024 free poster.

Guest post by Language Lizard, 2023 Platinum Sponsor 

Today’s language spotlight features the Russian and Ukrainian languages! These two languages are widely spoken in Eastern Europe, with Russian being the official language of Russia, as well as that of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan, and Ukrainian being Ukraine’s official language. Despite being closely related, each language has its own alphabet, vocabulary, and grammar rules, making each language unique. 

If you’ve been following the news,  you’ll know that July was the hottest month globally in recorded history.  The United Nations has warned that the era of global boiling, yes, you read that correctly global boiling was here.  It is no longer global warming and this my friends is scary.

At Read Your World, our mission extends beyond promoting diverse and multicultural books; we also seek out books that leave a lasting impact on our young readers, nurturing tomorrow’s adults.