Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Multicultural Booklist

10th Year Monthly Celebration Giveaway

I remember when Multicultural Children’s Book Day started 9 years ago. There was so much excitement because the vision of two amazing book-loving moms Valarie Budayr from Audrey Press Books and Mia Wenjen from Pragmatic Mom was coming to fruition. It was really happening on January 27th, 2012.  A day to not only raise awareness around kid’s books that celebrate diversity but also get more of these types of books into classrooms and libraries.

{Guest Post by Language Lizard}

World Folktales and Fables Week: 2022 Edition

Every March, Language Lizard celebrates World Folktales and Fables Week in order to highlight the benefits of these straightforward stories. This year, it takes place from March 20th to 26th. This event is dedicated to encouraging children and adults to explore the lessons and cultural background of folktales, fables, myths and legends from around the world.

  A whole year of planning, organizing, and preparing comes down to one day and one day only, Multicultural Children’s Book Day!  One of the best things about MCBD is our Twitter Party, the excitement going on for an hour, the tweets, retweets, and the book giveaway bundles!  The excitement continues on social media even if the...

#ReadYourWorld Book Jam 2022


Multicultural Children’s Book and The Children’s Book Council are thrilled to team up to present the 2022 #ReadYourWorld Book Jam. Please welcome Lois Petren with her list of Books that Teach Confidence in a Multicultural World.

We are giving away a copy of Meet the Mermaids: Hi, I’m Jenny with a signed bookplate. To enter, please use the Rafflecopter at the bottom.

It is hard to believe time has flown by and our January 28, 2022, is less than two weeks away!

As you may know, Multicultural Children’s Book Day (MCBD) is a non-profit that collaborates with authors to get their books reviewed during our online event and also works to get free diverse children’s books into the hands of young readers.

MCBD2022 By The Numbers

Amazing Medallion Level Sponsors!

Thirty diverse children and YA book publishers, authors, and literacy organizations have joined us as sponsors for MCBD2022! View this exceptional line-up here.