Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Multicultural Booklist

Guest post by Izzie Chea   From humble beginnings in the busy kitchen of an Oakland, CA home in 2016, the idea of bringing children’s Spanish and bilingual books was coming to fruition. Maceo Cabrera-Estévez, Cuban-American mom and book lady for Barefoot Books, noticed the demand for high quality, authentic, and representative Spanish and bilingual children’s literature....

Hard to believe it's approaching nearly 30 days since the mind-blowing awesome MCBD 2019 (1/25/19) celebration and we can promise all of you that we are still recovering! The MCBD team was touched and elevated by the overwhelming support and enthusiasm surrounding our diverse children’s literature online celebration. In the days following the crescendo of the...

What happens when you get your wish? That’s the question the students in my library inspired me to answer. I was working as an elementary school librarian in a Title I school in Northern Virginia. Every day, students came in asking for books on superheroes. There were not enough on their reading level to go around....

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is not a traditional holiday of any culture, but rather a day of remembrance designated by the United Nations in 2005. [caption id="attachment_10393" align="alignnone" width="820"] International Holocaust Remembrance Day[/caption] Some have asked why MCBD shifted from a consistent "every January 27th" model to a "last Friday in January" model.  We originally innocently thought...