Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Author: Valarie Budayr

{ Guest post from Pack-n-Go Girls} Greetings! The Pack-n-Go Girls Team hopes that this post finds you and your loved ones healthy. No matter where you are, the school year is going to be full of challenges. It doesn’t matter if you’re a student, teacher, librarian, or parent, school is being redefined, which creates its own level...

{guest post from Tonya Duncan Ellis }   October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Though many children aren’t physically in schools this fall, it’s still a great time to increase awareness of this important issue, which can also happen during virtual learning. Bullying, defined as repeated, unwanted aggressive behavior toward someone vulnerable, can leave lasting, negative effects...

{Guest post from the Izzy Newton and the S.M.A.R.T. Squad Team and National Geographic Kids}     Welcome to the Izzy Newton and the S.M.A.R.T. Squad Blog Tour! To celebrate the release of Izzy Newton and the S.M.A.R.T. Squad: Absolute Hero by Valerie Tripp (author of the American Girl book series) on September 8th, blogs across the web are...

{Guest post from the Barefoot Books Team} There's no replacement for kids getting together in person. But anything that gets kids actively thinking about their friends can help them feel less lonely. For the families whose kids are socially isolating, this has been one long summer . . . and it looks like the autumn could be more of...

It’s time! We are throwing open the hypothetical doors and kicking off the beginning of the adventure known as the 8th Annual Multicultural Children’s Book Day (MCBD)! As of 9/1, the MCBD2021 book reviewer sign-up is open, all Sponsorship Levels are open, and Book Donator sign-up is open as well. January 29, 2021, will mark the 8th year of Multicultural Children’s Book Day’s...