Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


 A’s to your Q’s: Answers to some Most Frequently Asked Questions about MCBD

We know the inner (and outer) workings of Multicultural Children’s Book Day can seem complex sometimes, but we can assure you that there is a method to our madness! So to clarify some of our most commonly asked questions, here is an impromptu Questions and Answers Session with Project Manager, Becky Flansburg.

A’s to your Q’s

Q: My book is about animals on an adventure, but it teaches lessons about inclusion and kindness-could that be included in Multicultural Children’s Book Day?

A: Unfortunately, no. There are occasional exceptions (if the book is bilingual and written by a BIPOC author), but for the most part, we need to follow these guidelines when accepting books/Authors/Sponsors for MCBD. 

Our Criteria for “Multicultural” or “Diverse” Children’s Books

  • Books that contain characters of color as well as main characters that represent a minority point of view.
  • Books that are written by an author of diversity or color from their perspective. Search #ownvoices to discover diverse books written by diverse authors.
  • Books that share ideas, stories, and information about cultures, race, religion, language, and traditions. These books can be non-fiction but still written in a way that kids will find entertaining and informative.
  • Books that embrace special needs or even “hidden disabilities” like ADHD, ADD, and anxiety.
  • Books that show IBPOC readers what is POSSIBLE–like a book that shows an Asian child as an astronaut 👩‍🚀, a child from Sudan as an actress, or a biracial child as a world leader.
Q: I’d like to review a book for MCBD, but I’m not a blogger. Can I still get a free diverse book to review?
A: Yes! It’s not required to be a blogger to participate in book reviewing. All reviewers are required to post their reviews on at least one (as many as possible is appreciated) of these social media channels: a blog, Facebook (Page, not a Profile), Instagram (no private accounts), Twitter (no private accounts) and YouTube. Additional reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are also very appreciated.
Q: Periodically we see FB/IG/Twitter posts from either Pragmatic Mom or MCBD where groups of books (a.k.a. booklists) are featured – usually highlighting diversity.  How can we get one of my books into those posts?   
A: MCBD has no influence over what books are chosen on other people’s sites. I’ve been asked often over the years by other authors how to get included in these lists and the best advice I can give is ASK. They typically include books that have been sent to them because that is what is on their radar. Another way is to create your own booklist on your own site and include one of your own books. Then share like crazy on social media!
Q: We also see FB/IG/Twitter posts from MCBD featuring individual books – how do we get our books considered for these features? Can we post these to your accounts ourselves?
A: MCBD does not review books, so to speak, but we do have different opportunities available for authors to shine the spotlight on their diverse books. One popular way is to do a guest post for us about their writing and publishing journey, what inspired them to write their book, and why they feel the message in this book is important for young readers to be aware of. Those guest posts are then shared on MCBD’s social media. There are examples of recent guest posts HERE and HERE.
Anyone who is interested in doing a guest post on the MCBD blog should send an email to
Q: What is the Difference Between a Shout Out and a Multicultural Children’s Book Day Sponsorship?
A: The difference between Social Shout Outs and Sponsorship for MCBD 2021 (1/29/21) is that Shout Outs are a one-time social media push on an author/diverse book’s behalf. Our Social Shout Outs are available 365 days a year and act as a fundraiser for our Free Books for Classrooms Project.
Sponsorships, on the other hand, are directly connected to the yearly celebration itself and are a great way to tap into the hundreds-of-thousands of views our social media channels get from November to February 1.
MCBD also offers a magazine-quality interview blog post with accompanying social media called a Sponsored Post. We only do them in the “off-season” which is February-September. But it would be a great way to share a giveaway, one of your YouTube videos, and any other info about the company and the books. 
Q: How else can I promote my diverse books for kids?
A: I’m going to put on my marketing coach hat here and encourage you to really tap into online marketing opportunities that are occurring right now. Because of COVID-19 shopping and discovering new titles to read will largely happen online. Be active in book-related Facebook Groups and by “be active” I mean really engage with members as opposed to dumping your links and disappearing. 
Like I mentioned above, guest posting is a great way to gain readership and visibility and MCBD welcomes guest posts. Leverage social media by using vibrant pictures/images related to your books and even share excerpts from the pages. Check out this 10-point checklist on Leveraging the Social Buzz! MCBD’s Marketing Tips Authors & Publishers.
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