Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


30 Days of Ramadan: Understanding Our Muslim Friends Link-up

30 Days of Ramadan: Understanding Our Friends #30DaysRamadan

Multicultural Children’s Book Day has joined forces with powerhouse multicultural children’s book publisher Wisdom Tales Press to create a much-needed initiative

Given the recent backlash and misconceptions in the media regarding Muslims and Islam, Multicultural Children’s Book Day will be focusing on the Muslim holiday of Ramadan June 5th-July 5th 2016 as a way to bring awareness and understanding about our Muslim neighbors via the pages of children’s literature.

30 Days of Ramadan: Understanding Our Friends is a celebration of children’s literature which includes characters and storylines that celebrate being Muslim. Books profiled will include topics like Muslims and the religion of Islam, books which specifically look at the Ramadan holiday and/or the authors that are Muslim.


Starting June 5th, bloggers are encouraged to share links to their posts about books they have chosen to review via a link-up that will be located on the Multicultural Children’s Book Day website. These books will be of their own choice, not supplied by MCCBD. This linky will be a great way for author, parents and bloggers to not only get involved, but work to create a reading resource that can be used for parents and educators.

During the event articles and blog posts about the various ways to celebrate Ramadan will be shared by Muslim authors, illustrators, and publishers via social media, using event hashtag #30DaysRamadan, and also on the MCCBD blog. Islam is a worldwide religion that is currently being practiced by 1.7 billion people in over 300 countries. It is the most diverse religion in the world.

Link up your Muslim, Ramadan or Islam children’s book review and activities below. Thank you for participating and watch for the #30DaysRamadan hashtag on social media!

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