Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


A 15-Book Giveaway! to Celebrate 15k On Instagram!

***WE DID IT! MCBD has achieved 15,000 Followers on Instagram!!****

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us a helped us hit this HUGE milestone! In honor of this epic victory, we are doing a 15-Book Giveaway!

Fifteen Diverse Books to WIN

Sumo Joe by Mia Wenjen, illustrated by Nat Iwata
No Steps Behind: Beate Sirota Gordon’s Battle for Women’s Rights in Japan by Jeff Gottesfeld, illustrated by Shiella Witanto
No Voice Too Small: Fourteen Young Americans Making History edited by Lindsay H. Metcalf, Keila V. Dawson, Jeanette Bradley, illustrated by Jeanette Bradley (2 copies)
Sissy Goes Tiny by Rebecca Flansburg and B.A. Norrgard (A diverse picture book about living MORE with LESS).
“13” by Dani Dixon
Climate Change Captives 2035 by Carolyn Wilhelm
Alex Asks About Aunty’s Airplane Day by Carolyn Wilhelm
When God Made the World by Matthew Paul Turner
In The Nick of Time by Deedee Cummings
This is the Earth by Deedee Cummings
American History: Asians in America by Casey Bell
LaDonna’s Easter in Paris by Kimberly Gordon-Biddle

Giveaway Rules and Details

ONE winner will receive a copy of each of the books listed above Giveaway begins October 31, 2020

  • Prizing & samples  courtesy of Authors of the above books
  • Giveaway open to US addresses only
  • ONE lucky winner will win one copy of each of the above books.
  • Winner must have USA shipping address.
  • Must be 18 years or older to enter
  • One entry per household.
  • Staff and family members of Multicultural Children’s Book Day are not eligible.
  • The Book Bundle winner has 48 hours to claim the prize. After 48 hours, a new winner will be selected.
  • ONE Winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter on November 16, 2020

BUT FIRST, here’s how YOU can support Multicultural Children’s Book Day!

The online event/holiday takes the last Friday of every January so this year it will fall on 1/29/21 and this will be our 8th Multicultural Children’s Book Day celebration! We would love to have you participate in our upcoming event and here are a few ways you can do so:

  1. Donate Books: For our next online event, we will have hundreds of book reviewers signed up to review diverse children’s books on their blogs or on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Authors and publishers have the option of offering copies of their multicultural children’s books to our reviewers to review and write a social media review about. There are no guarantees that we will be able to match your book to a reviewer(s), but if this interests you, let me know. We will provide you with names and addresses and you mail your book directly to the reviewer.

Go here to sign up as a book donator.

  1. Multiple options for Sponsorship: Sponsorship is not only a great way to support this event; it is an excellent way to get your name (and your books) in front of thousands of readers. All of our Sponsors get a name mention within the hundreds of reviews that get posted from December through to the end of January and also on the sites of our 26 CoHosts sites.  

Go here to download our Sponsorship Packet and learn about participation that will fit any budget.   

  1. Connect with us on social media and share, share, share! Our official hashtag is #ReadYourWorld

– Facebook page

– Twitter


-Reminder: The hashtag for this event is #ReadYourWorld

  1. Guest post: We are always looking for quality guest posts from authors and publishers on the MCBD blog. If you’d like to share the details of your writing journey and details of how your book came to be, we’d love to have you. I’ve attached some guidelines for your review.
  1. Join our private Facebook Group: This group has grown and evolved into something very special. Feel free to join:)

ENTER TO WIN A Multicultural Children’s Book Day 15-Book Giveaway to Celebrate 15k Followers on Instagram!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Reviewers! We Need YOU!

If you love diverse books for kids and have a social media platform to share a review on, we want to give you a FREE diverse kidlit or YA book to review!

AND, you don’t have to be a blogger to review multicultural children’s books for our MCBD 2021 online event. You just need to have a love of diversity in children’s literature and be willing to share on your social media platforms such as:

Facebook (Pages only-no Facebook profiles)

Twitter (Private Accounts are not Eligible)


Instagram (Private Accounts are not Eligible)



**We encourage honest Amazon reviews of assigned books whenever possible as well.

Reviewer sign-up deadline is 12/15/20

(NOTE: We will not be shipping out any books for the 2020 online event until Nov/Dec of 2020!

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