Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Global Team

We’re Going Global! Non-USA Diverse Book Reviewers, Authors and Publishers Needed

Hard to believe that 2018 is speeding along and 2019 is inching closer and closer. As the planning for the next Multicultural Children’s Book Day (1/25/19) starts picking up steam, we are also continuing with our plan to take this diverse literacy-based non-profit global! And for that, we need your help. But first, a quick recap:

Since 2012, MCCBD’s main focus has been to raise awareness on the need for books of a diverse nature to be available in homes and classrooms. We have worked tirelessly for 5+ years to not only shine the spotlight on multicultural children’s book authors and publishers but to get books of this nature on shelves and into the hands of young readers. If you are unfamiliar with our organization, feel free to read about our mission here.

Free Resources for All

We also offer many free resources to parents, teachers, and librarians:

Social Media Leverage: Our 1/27/18 Multicultural Children’s Book Day event garnered over 3 billion social media share impressions over a three-day period.

 3,210,943,767: Total number of social media share impressions for January 25-28, 2018.

We’re Going Global!

A New Goal for 2019: The MCBD team is on a mission to not only duplicate these results on a global level, but to connect with global diverse authors, publishers, and book reviewers to help spread awareness of the amazing kids’ books that are available from non-USA sources.

Global Team

To do this, we need to identify these non-US authors, publishers, and organizations with the help of our Global Team. From book donation for schools, Sponsorship packages, being matched with overseas book reviewers and monetary support for this non-profit, there are many ways to get involved and join this gigantic online celebration and important initiative.

As you can see from our 2018 Medallion Level and Author Sponsor Pages, authors and publishers have all embraced this initiative because they know we have the eyes and ears of their end users.

If you have interest in getting involved in Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2019, please sign up via this Google Form and we will loop back around with the necessary information once the event gets closer.  Looking forward to working with you!

Non-USA Diverse Book Reviewers, Authors and Publishers Needed: Sign Up Here


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