Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Spotlight on a Sponsor: Rainbow Books

Today we are shining the spotlight on Bronze Sponsor Rainbow Books!

Rainbow Books

Rainbow Books got its start in 2005 with The Adventures of Little Diver Mark series. The Little Diver Mark series entertained children for seven years before The Rainbow Files series was added.


Rainbow Books

Rainbow Books is excited to be offering children books they can identify with and enjoy. Whether children are read to or read the book themselves, our books contain some of the most charming and entertaining characters, kids will not want the story to end. Even adults are eager to find out what happens next.

Rainbow Books

The Rainbow Files which feature the elementary escapades of Shai Keshet, which means Rainbow Gift, and follow the imaginative grade-schooler through many mishaps and misadventures. Ages 7 – 11.

Currently released book: The Rainbow Files #1: The Day I Was The Only Kid in School

Upcoming books: The Rainbow Files #2: Ludi Gladiatorii (Gladiator Games) (Spring 2015)

Also upcoming Around the Block which features Jason and co-conspirator Feetsy as they take on the night, getting into trouble and creating all sorts of havoc. That is, until they run into a gang of squirrels who have been terrorizing the neighborhood. (Summer, 2015.)

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  • Angela Walcott

    February 18, 2015 3:21 pm

    In your spotlight section about diverse authors and illustrators, I would love for you do write a piece about either Kadir Nelson and Ntozake Shange. As a writer myself, I believe that the work produced by this duo in Ellington Was Not A Street, was exceptional.


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