Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Spotlight on a Sponsor: Junior Library Guild

We are thrilled to be able to share the amazing resource of MCCBD Silver Sponsor Junior Library Guild!

Junior Library Guild

Junior Library Guild founded in 1929, provides collection development services to more than 20,000 school and public libraries throughout North America. This unique service reviews and selects children’s and young adult books prior to their publication. New-release JLG selections are placed into one of 66 levels ranging from Prekindergarten to Adult Crossover and are then shipped to member libraries on a monthly basis.

Spring 2015

Junior Library Guild is a privately held company based in Plain City, Ohio. Founded in 1929, JLG provides the very best customer service in the industry. Our services help librarians with collection development and our members trust us to put only the best books into the hands of their eager young readers.

Season after season, year after year, our book selections go on to win awards, collect starred or favorable reviews, and earn industry honors. We send these books on a monthly basis to our members, who receive them hot off the presses.

JLG selects books with the same care and attention you use when building your collection. Our editors know the children’s and young-adult literature landscape like no one else. And this credibility gives us a unique advantage, which benefits our members every month. The JLG editorial team reads the best books of the year well before they’re published. Publishers large and small value the prestige that comes with having their books named JLG Selections. They allow us to read and review more than 3,000 of their most anticipated books in manuscript or in preproduction stages. After narrowing that group to the very best 756 titles, we place our orders well in advance of publication dates (all JLG books are first editions) to provide you with new-release titles soon after they are first released.

252 Books Honored as JLG Selections for Spring 2015

JLG is announcing its honorees for the best newly published books for spring 2015. These 252 books range from PreK to young adult and will be shipped to JLG customers from March to August 2015. Click here to see the entire list.

Salsa: Un poema para cocinar / Salsa: A Cooking Poem

by Jorge Argueta

illustrations by Duncan Tonatiuh

Part of a Series: Bilingual Cooking Poems.

ISBN: 9781554984428

For the narrator, cooking is like making music. Every weekend he and his family make salsa, adding cloves of garlic trompetas and stirring with a “saxophone spoon.”

In a Village by the Sea

by Muon Van

illustrations by April Chu

ISBN: 9781939547156

In a cozy seaside house in Vietnam, a mother cooks, a child naps, and a cricket paints the story of a fisherman who longs to return home to his family.

Mikis and the Donkey

by Bibi Dumon Tak

illustrations by Philip Hopman

ISBN: 9780802854308

Mikis’s grandfather’s new donkey is a working donkey, not a pet. Still, Mikis gets to name the donkey—and soon becomes known around the village as “the donkey boy.”

Tiger Boy

by Mitali Perkins

illustrations by Jamie Hogan

ISBN: 9781580896603

Sunderbans, Bangladesh: While under pressure to prepare for a scholarship exam, Neel attempts to rescue a tiger cub before the animal is captured and sold on the black market.

Being named a JLG selection is often the first award a book is given. More than 95% of JLG’s honored selections go on to win other industry awards or collect starred or favorable reviews.

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