Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Inuit and Nunavut Diverse Kids' Books to Consider

On My Desk | Inuit and Nunavut Diverse Kids’ Books to Consider (Jan 2018)

The first On My Desk of 2018!

This is extra exciting because we have no shortage of awesome books to share!

This series got started because, with my role as Project Manager, I get to enjoy the avalanche of amazing multicultural books for kids that are donated to our project.  My office currently looks like a small bookstore and I love every second of it.

Being appreciative over every book that crosses my desk, I wanted to find a fun way to share those books with the loyal folks who show up here to read every week and support this non-profit. In that moment, On My Desk | New Diverse Kids’ Books to Consider was born! It’s my way of sharing some amazing titles that don’t always get the attention they deserve.

Here’s what the Mailman Book Fairy brought me this week:

I am over-the-moon giddy about the package of diverse books that I received from Inhabit Education, Inc out of Canada. Inhabit Education is a Nunavut-based educational publishing company with a mission to provide parents and educators with resources that are infused with authentic Northern perspectives, Inuit languages, ways of life and imagery.

Here are a few of their Inuit and Nunavut Diverse Kids’ Books to Consider:



This book shares the traditional Inuit myth of Nuliajuk, the legendary mother of sea mammals. The story of nuliajuk teaches children even today how important it is to respect your elders.

Nunavut Then & Now

Nunavut Then & Now

How has life in Nunavut changed since 100 years ago? How is it the same? This non-fiction book teaches children about how places change over time. Archival and modern photographs of different places in the territory support the text.

Traditional Inuit Clothing

Traditional Inuit Clothing

Living in the North requires very special clothing to stay warm and move easily over the ice. This book introduces readers to parkas, amautis and other Northern clothing items. (16-32 pages)

Journey to the Winter Camp

Journey to the Winter Camp

Winter is coming, and it’s time for Qulaut’s family to leave their summer home behind. They will need to use their land skills and work together to stay safe. This book introduces the historical fiction genre and features a pre-contact Inuit family traveling to their winter camp by dogsled. (Inhabit Education Spring 2017 catalog 2017-05-31)



Delve into a centuries-old mystery about a lost Arctic civilization! Tuniit lived in Nunabut for a thousand years, even before Inuit arrived. This book introduces children to scientific theories and Inuit oral history to learn all about Tuniit. (Inhabit Education Spring 2017 catalog 2017-05-31)

Every season, Inhabit Education’s new releases include books at various reading levels and a balance between fiction and non-fiction titles. These titles incorporate concepts that students are familiar with—counting, animals, family, and legends—within a Northern context. These books are designed to support students across Canada in their reading development while providing access to materials that reflect Canada’s diversity of geography, culture, and traditions.

Inhabit’s website is a little confusing so if you are interested in any of their books, I recommend contacting Rachel Blais via email

Inuit and Nunavut Diverse Kids' Books to Consider



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1 Comment

  • Valarie

    January 27, 2018 9:17 am

    So many beautiful books on your desk. It makes a book loving girl jealous. Thanks for all you do Becky. You’re beyond the BEST.

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