Happy MLK Day! In the US, every third Monday in January has been set apart for over 40 years to honor and remember the life and work of minister, and activist Martin Luther King, Jr.. This day was made a national holiday in 1983 though many states and cities celebrated him on his birthday, January 15th, starting in 1970.
Dr. King and his siblings grew up in a loving home but experienced racism from an early age. He joined the civil rights movement when he was 15 (Time for Kids: Martin Luther King Jr.)! He grew up to become one of the greatest leaders of the Civil Rights Movement: organizing marches and delivering famous speeches (including “I Have a Dream”). During this movement, Dr. King inspired many people, encouraging the use of nonviolence as a way to end segregation. His work helped the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to be passed, which outlawed several types of discrimination. King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964! Sadly, Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 (Kids Britannica: Martin Luther King, Jr., Day).
Let us take this day to remember a great man and the powerful Civil Rights movement. Many people volunteer on MLK Day to honor his legacy of service and commitment to the community! Below are some of our resources for children and families to learn more about Martin Luther King, Jr., the Civil Rights Movement, and activism!
Janice Fineman is a graduate student at Tufts University studying children's media and the arts! She has always loved to read and she feels so lucky to be an intern with Read Your World.
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