Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Dr. Adam and The Virus:  A picture book about COVID-19

{Guest post by Dr. Hazem Nassar}

A global pandemic needs a global hero.

Coronavirus needs no introduction nowadays. If it had a twitter account, it’d be the most followed worldwide, which is a problem in many ways.

Not only our lives had been changed drastically, but it also brought along with it many uncertainties. Is the threat real, or is it a ‘hoax’? If it is real, how bad could it get? If bad enough, who will make it and who will not? Are we ever going to go back to ‘normal’ life again? If yes, then when? Why do we have to flatten the curve?

Wait, what does ‘flatten the curve’ mean anyway?

These were some of the questions raised in our adult minds, but what about our children’s minds? I imagined the curious 7-year-old me looking at my parents and trying to understand what they’re talking about. Are we safe? What will happen to everyone?

As an Internal Medicine physician who works exclusively inside hospitals, surrounded by Corona-infected patients, and getting constant updates from the medical community around the world, I had the slight advantage of probably having that I myself was concerned about my own health, and even more so about my wife and my then 5-month-old daughter, and ended up isolating myself in the house as long as I worked in the hospital, while they stayed at my in-laws’ house who fortunately live a few miles away only.

The isolation lasted for two painful months. From day 2(because on day 1, I was occupied by absorbing all the info and trying to process them, in order to plan ahead), I decided that I had to use my art to spread optimism in the neighborhood. I made a few, not-too-fancy drawings on wooden boards and propped them up on the front yard.

A diverse picture book about COVID19

One of them had a doctor standing at the bottom of the curve, awaiting the avalanche of viruses, but when the curve is flat, he’s looking the viruses in the eye and even scaring them away.

Many people thought it was a great, simple way to explain the concept of a flat curve, and then it crossed my mind. I was already thinking about a 2nd children’s book to work on, so, I could use this particular drawing as my point of origin. Dr. Adam is supposed to represent not only doctors, but all the essential workers who found themselves at the forefront of this battle, and I couldn’t find a better name than Adam to represent Man vs Virus.

Dr. Adam and The Virus:  A diverse picture book about COVID-19

This book for me was my getaway during the tough times, and my own ‘extra mile,’ just like each essential worker had to go their own ‘extra mile.’ The biggest challenge for me was Time.

Between my full-time job, duties as a father, and the need to get the book out soon enough before schools restart, I had to use every free minute I had on it. I worked on it during breaks at work and after-work hours and the final manuscript had to be edited multiple times.

Finally, the dedication on the last page is an attempt to mention all the people who work at the hospital that the book couldn’t accommodate due to the page-count. Still, one day I will be writing another book about all hospital workers and their mantra of Leave No Hero Behind. Grab your copy of this timely book on Amazon.

Happy reading and stay safe!

About Dr. H

Hazem Nassar MD is an lnternist/Hospitalist Freelance cartoonist Children books author

He was born in late 1979 to Palestinian parents in Kuwait, where he also grew up and completed his undergraduate education. He then graduated from medical school in Karachi, Pakistan, before moving to the United States, later on, to work as an internal medicine physician. Ever since childhood, Hazem has had a passion for cartooning and storytelling, which he eventually managed to dedicate more time to after completing medical residency, leading to the selection of many of his works for several international theme-based exhibitions in different countries around the world. Growing up an immigrant with Palestinian roots in an extremely diverse neighborhood, along with life in a once-war-torn Kuwait, heavily influenced his ideas and subsequently, his works. His children’s picture book career started with the publication of The Peeking Chick in June 2020. He plans to continue this journey with upcoming and future works. /drhbooks

Dr. Adam and the Virus is a great book for children who have questions about the Coronavirus pandemic. This book highlights a Doctor’s executed plan to keep people in his town safe. What are viruses? How to stay protected? How to stay safe? How to flatten the curve? These questions, and more, are thoroughly explained in a cute, friendly manner. Along with its adorable comic illustrations, this informative book is designed to educate young readers about Covid-19.~ Amazon review

A diverse picture book about COVID19

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