Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

RYW News

Guest post by Andrew Maraniss

Last week, Tennessee school librarians held their annual breakfast reception at the state legislature, setting up tables piled with cinnamon rolls, scones, and coffee.

Only a few legislators dropped by. Instead, they sent over assistants to load up paper plates to bring back to their offices.

That wasn’t surprising. If I were a member of Tennessee’s Republican supermajority, I’d be embarrassed to show my face around school librarians, too.

Drunk on power and buzzed on culture-war adrenaline in a mid-term election year, Tennessee Republicans have introduced bills to ban books in K-12 schools that “address” or “normalize” LGBTQ people or issues, to criminalize school librarians for carrying supposedly “obscene” books, and to ban the discussion of “divisive” concepts such as race even at state universities.

  A whole year of planning, organizing, and preparing comes down to one day and one day only, Multicultural Children’s Book Day!  One of the best things about MCBD is our Twitter Party, the excitement going on for an hour, the tweets, retweets, and the book giveaway bundles!  The excitement continues on social media even if the...

We did it! Another wildly successful Multicultural Children’s Book Day is complete. Once again, the MCBD team was touched and elevated by the overwhelming support and enthusiasm surrounding our diverse children’s literature online celebration. In the days following the crescendo of the event, and our crazy-fun annual Twitter Party,  we all have spent hours sifting through the amazing camaraderie, comments, reviews, classroom celebrations, and touching kudos that were offered up during our on and offline global event.

{Guest post by Kristi Bernard of Kristi's Book Nook}   Pam Margolis is the creator of The Unconventional Librarian website. As a librarian, she loves to share books on her site and encourages kids to read books with sensitive topics. Pam is also on the MCBD Board of Advisors. You can learn about her here. MCBD: Hi Pam....