Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

RYW News

We are happy to announce our line up for our #ReadYourWorld Book Jam 2019 with Children's Book Council!   Yuyi Morales* Neal Porter Books/Holiday House Book list on Multicultural Stories *She had to drop out due to heavy workload.   Renee Watson Bloomsbury Books Book list on children's and young adult poetry. Katie Yamasaki Holiday House Book list on multicultural families and friendships. Vita Murrow The Quarto Group Book list on...

Hard to believe that 2018 is speeding along and 2019 is inching closer and closer. As the planning for the next Multicultural Children’s Book Day (1/25/19) starts picking up steam, we are also continuing with our plan to take this diverse literacy-based non-profit global! And for that, we need your help. But first, a quick...

We've invited all of our classrooms and supporters to celebrate The Big Day anytime during 1/22 and 1/27 and we've already had some educators and organizations share their ReadYourWorld fun here. The buzz around this event is mind-blowing and we felt compelled to share even more fun images and examples of educators using #Readyourworld to educate Global Citizens: Sarah Fisk...

Hard to believe it has been almost 30 days since the mind-blowing awesome 1/27/18 MCBD celebration and we can promise all of you that we are still recovering! The MCBD team was touched and elevated by the overwhelming support and enthusiasm surrounding our diverse children’s literature online celebration. In the days following the crescendo of the...