Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Multicultural Children’s Book Authors Tag

Since the dawn of mankind, humans have had problems dealing with people who are different from them. Despite the Golden Rule in the Bible to treat “the other” as one would treat oneself, relations with others have been a challenge, and interactions have often led to wars, persecutions, and devaluation.

Nowadays, we live and work among people from different cultures, and the world is ever more connected.

How do we prepare our children for good relations in the multicultural, multilingual world?

Queen Girls

Queen Girls is a collection of stories about inspirational women from the past turned into fairy tales. Their mission is to create children’s books that empower girls to follow their dreams and envision them as possible. This is the reason why the stories are based on real women.

‘Often times, classic stories highlight the strength, courage and skills of men while female characters are often stereotyped or one-dimensional. Did you know that 57% of children’s books have male protagonists, while 31% are female?[*1] We believe that we should be telling different stories to our children.

They also believe in giving back to the community and this is why they stand on a One for One model.  Every time you purchase a book, another will be donated to local and international organizations who are fighting illiteracy and empowering girls.

Audrey Press has a mission of creating beautiful books for families.

Audrey Press

Located within the walls of our creative studios at the foothills of the breathtakingly beautiful Smoky Mountains (Maryville, Tennessee), Audrey Press prides itself in working hard to create books, e-books, and enhanced e-books. Our main focus is to create paths that open up the world of possibilities for readers of all ages, through the magic of books, reading and play.

Founded by two young mothers, Nancy Traversy and Tessa Strickland, in England in 1992, Barefoot Books has published 600+ multicultural books for children that encourage discovery, imagination, creativity and global citizenship.

Barefoot Books

Their first app, Barefoot World Atlas, has 4 million downloads, and their YouTube Channel has 80 million views. Most importantly, over nearly a quarter of a century, Barefoot has put more than 20 million books into the hands of children around the world. Now based in Cambridge, MA, Barefoot is leveraging its vibrant, timeless family brand with a social selling model that empowers women entrepreneurs. With a mission to “Share Stories, Connect Families, and Inspire Children,” Barefoot believes that sharing diverse and inclusive books nurtures compassion in our next generation, helping to create a kinder, more accepting world.

Barefoot books

(Guest post from The Pack-n-Go Girls’ Janelle Diller)

Several years ago I was working on Mystery of the Thief in the Night, our Pack-n-Go Girls adventure about a girl from Seattle who sails to Mexico. Lisa, my business partner, and I had just made a conscious decision to make sure our American characters were as diverse as our international ones. And so I turned to my friend Angela, a first generation Chinese-American woman, for help in creating an Asian American character as the American girl in the story. She helped me, of course, with language and cultural details that I didn’t know. But the most important thing she did for me was to give me perspective. As we were winding down the conversation, she said, “Janelle, I’m so excited that you’re adding a Chinese American girl to your story. I can’t tell you how much it would have meant to me as a child to read a book that had a girl who looked like me in it.”