Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Children’s Book Author Tag

Guest Post from author Connie-Vee Hawkins People often say I was born with a camera in my hand. I loved taking my parent's camera and snapping pictures. I saw each picture as a story. As I grew older, everyone realized I was indeed the storyteller of the family. Storytelling is therapeutic. It helps us to process...

MCBD is blessed with enthusiastic participation and brilliant talent from all over the globe, but our beloved Greek supporters, reviewers, authors, and publishers deserve a special round of praise and recognition! Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Global CoHost, Agatha Rodi, we are proud to share this Global Collaboration with Greek Authors and Supporters....

Multicultural Children's Book Day is just around the corner on January 31st. It's a great time to reflect on whether your book collection is encompassing all perspectives. One of our authors, Lisa Travis, had a unique experience as a panelist for this topic at the last American Association of School Librarians conference. We thought we would...

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Guest post by Monetta Wilson The ancient practice of yoga has a variety of physical, emotional and psychological benefits. It can build strength and flexibility, promote mind-body connection, and relieve stress and anxiety. All over the world yoga is being recognized for the many benefits it can provide. Yoga and mindfulness are being incorporated into millions...