Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

multicultural children’s book day sponsors Tag

Lee & Low Books has been a supporter of MCBD since Day One.


And we REALLY appreciate them for that!

LEE & LOW BOOKS has been on the forefront of this push for children’s books to reflect the diversity in the world around us. Their published works reflect the bias in non-fiction and puts forth options of heroes of color for children of all colors!

Lee and Low Books

Lee & Low Books is the largest multicultural children’s book publisher in the United States. Their award-winning books are about everyone, for everyone.
LEE & LOW BOOKS is the largest multicultural children’s book publisher in the country, and one of the few minority-owned publishing companies in the United States. They offer books for all young readers, from leveled books for beginning readers through middle grade and young adult novels. They also publish several bilingual books, as well as books in other languages. Our books reflect the diversity and richness of the United States. LEE & LOW BOOKS is more than just a publisher: it is a leader in the movement for more diversity in literature.

Capstone Young Readers  is BACK as a Silver Sponsor MCBD2017!

Capstone is a long-time supporter of our initiative and we can’t say enough good things about them. Their team is wonderful to work with, their books are delightful, and Project Manager Becky is tickled that they are fellow Minnesotans to boot!

Capstone Young Readers

Inspired by imagination and curiosity, Capstone Young Readers creates entertaining and informative reading experiences that generate excitement and love for reading. Their products include Board books, young readers, middle readers, graphic novels, nonfiction/reference, craft, how-to, drawing, and seasonal titles.

KidLit TV is not only a returning sponsor of MCBD, they are the proud winner of the Parents’ Choice Gold Award!

Parent's Choice Gold Award Winner

Kidlit TV is a diverse group of parents, educators, librarians, kid lit creators, and award winning filmmakers all working together to bring great books to kids! Their mission is to create fun new ways to reinforce an appreciation of reading that children will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Welcome Gold Sponsor and long-time MCBD supporter, Carole P. Roman! Named to Kirkus Reviews' Best of 2012 for her first book, award winning author Carole P. Roman started writing as a dare from one of her sons. Using an imaginary game she played with her grandson as a base, Captain No Beard was born."Captain No Beard-...

MCBD Sponsorship has officially closed so we are ready to share the final line-up along with a few “FAQ’s”

  1. MCBD is a non-profit that is in its fourth year
  2. Our official hashtag is #ReadYourWorld.
  3. MCBD was created by Valarie Budayr from Jump Into A Book and Mia Wenjen from PragmaticMom
  4. The Big Giant Linky: The much anticipated review linky will not be live until the morning of 1/27/17 and will be located here on the MCBD site and also on all CoHosts’ sites. This link-up is a compilation of 400+ books multicultural book reviews and activities that will create a robust online resource for parents, grandparents, educators, caregivers and librarians. A separate Linky will be available for those reviewing on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
  5. MCBD offers many FREE resources for those looking for information on diverse books for young readers including our Classroom Kindness Kit and our Diversity Book Lists & Activities for Teachers and Parents.
  6. Our 17 CoHosts are made up of powerhouse moms, bloggers, writers and reading advocates. Our CoHosts are:

A Crafty ArabAll Done MonkeyBooks My Kids ReadCrafty Moms ShareColours of UsEducators Spin on itFranticmommyGrowing Book by BookImagination SoupKid World CitizenMama SmilesMulticultural Kid BlogsRandomly ReadingSpanish PlaygroundThe Jenny Evolution,The Logonauts and Youth Literature Reviews