Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Multicultural Children’s Book Authors Tag

Pomelo Books

Pomelo Books are the curators and publishers of The Poetry Friday Anthology series for K-5 and Middle School. Their books include The Poetry Friday Anthology (all four editions: for the Common Core, for the TEKS, for K-5, and for Middle School). Also, 3 ebook anthologies: Poetry Tag Time, P*TAG (for teens), and Gift Tag (holiday poems). The Poetry Friday Anthology® series helps teachers and librarians teach poetry easily while meeting the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and the Texas TEKS for English Language Arts (ELA)/Poetry and Science & Technology. Celebrate Poetry on Fridays—and any day—with The Poetry Friday Anthology®!

Pomello Books

HERE WE GO: A Poetry Friday Power Book for children, tweens, and teens, features 12 PowerPack sets that combine: 1) diverse anchor poems; 2) new original response poems and mentor poems by Janet Wong; 3) PowerPlay prewriting activities; and 4) Power2You writing prompts.

Why Do Adults Need to Discuss Diverse & Inclusive Books with Children? Guest post by Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed. The need for diverse and inclusive books for children has become clear. When children see themselves reflected in books, it increases their feelings of positive self-worth. Conversely, when children rarely or never see themselves reflected in books, they receive...

Author Charlotte Riggle

Charlotte Riggle is a writer and a reader and a passionate advocate of picture books. Her first book, Catherine’s Pascha, is as beautiful as Pascha itself, with words that sparkle and illustrations that glow with the joy of the feast. Catherine doesn’t like vegetables. She doesn’t like naps. She doesn’t like it when her mom combs her hair. She loves hot dogs, chocolate cake, and her best friend, Elizabeth. Most of all, she loves Pascha! Pascha, the Orthodox Christian Easter, is celebrated in the middle of the night, with processions and candles and bells and singing. And Catherine insists that she’s not a bit sleepy.

author Charlotte riggle

Live Oak Media


Live Oak Media is the award-winning audio publisher of distinctive read-along recordings of classic and popular children’s literature for ages 3-12. Our recordings have received three Odyssey Awards, the American Library Association’s (ALA) award for Excellence in Audiobook Production, including the inaugural award in 2008; the Audie Award for Distinguished Achievement in Production; three Grammy® Awards; and numerous Audie Awards, ALA Notable Children’s Recordings, and outstanding reviews. As a small, family-owned company, we are dedicated to providing our young listeners with meaningful reading and listening experiences.

Dreaming of true-blue friends, mysterious adventures, and faraway places? Pack-n-Go Girls take you there!


Winner of the 2014 Gold Medal, Best Children’s Chapter Book Series, Moonbeam Children’s Book Award

Headquartered in Colorado Springs, CO, Pack-n-Go Girls specializes in creating innovative stories and toys for girls that deliver positive messages around independence, adventure, and global awareness. Our vision is simple. We want kids to be curious, to value other cultures, and to have a sense of adventure in a boundaryless world. We appreciate the diversity of cultures and the richness each one contributes to the world. We strive to create greater understanding through finding commonalities as well as understanding the differences that make us unique.
2017 Bronze Sponsor!

2017 Bronze Sponsor!

From Janelle Diller: co-founder of Pack-n-Go Girls and is the author of the Mexico and Austria books.