Please welcome Megan Dowd Lambert with her list of Eight Picture Books with Diverse Family Constellations.

Because of my lived experience as a mother in a multiracial, adoptive, queer, blended family, I appreciate seeing representations of families in picture books that exist and thrive outside of a White, heteronormative, nuclear family structure. I like writing such stories, too! Real Sisters Pretend, illustrated by Nicole Tadgell, is an adoption story that was inspired by two of my daughters, and its characters include two moms, one who is Asian and one who is White, and their two adopted daughters, one who is Black and one who is a multiracial child of color. It was published by Tilbury House in 2016, and was named a Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People 2017. It’s also included on the Center for the Study of Multicultural Children’s Literature Best Books of 2016 list and the CCBC Choices 2017 list.