Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Fundraiser | Social Media Shout Outs!

Fundraiser | Social Media Shout Outs!

We all have family favorites when it comes to books for kids. The ironic thing is that oftentimes some of our favorite books are from authors that are not household names or even have been published traditionally.

Hidden gems of multicultural children’s books lurk on every home’s bookshelves but because many of these favorite authors don’t have huge marketing budgets, they remain a “best-kept secret” despite the fact they produce amazing diverse books for kids.

But the Multicultural Children’s Book Day Team has come up with a fun and clever way to use our vibrant social media channels to show children’s book authors some online love and while also raising funds to support our Free Diverse Books for Classrooms Project!

MCBD Social Stats


  1. Anyone with a PayPal account can gift an online “shout-out” to an author friend who has a kid’s or YA book with a diversity theme.
  2. These options are also excellent ways to get your book, author, publishing company, or children’s literacy-focused organization in front of end-users.
  3. After checkout, contact Project Manager Frances to share who your shout-out should go out to: admin (at)***
  4. 2 supplied images max-only one request for correction allowed per custom image. Extra corrections/picture swaps are an additional $15***


Affordable Marketing for Diverse Children and YA Book Supporters!

Image Templates

Option 1:

Option 2:

Social Media Shout-Out=$39

This basic Shout-Out includes ONE Custom Image that will be shared once on our IG, Facebook, and Twitter feeds. 


Social Media Shout-Out DOUBLE-UP!=$49

All of the perks of a regular Shout-Out but TWICE the exposure! One Custom Image, 2 Posts each on FB, IG, and Twitter in a 14-day period. ** THIS IS A LIMITED-TIME PROMOTION THAT BEGINS FEBRUARY 9, 2022, AND ENDS SEPTEMBER 15, 2022*** 

MEGA Social Media Shout-Out (Social visibility over the course of 30 days) $99.95

All of the perks of a Shout-Out DOUBLE-UP but A TON MORE exposure! One Custom Image, 4 posts each on IG and FB (one a week). PLUS 8 tweets (2/week)  ** THIS IS A LIMITED-TIME PROMOTION THAT BEGINS FEBRUARY 9, 2022, AND ENDS SEPTEMBER 15, 2022*** 


Go HERE to support the cause and nominate an author for some virtual Shout-Outs!

Here are examples from recent Shouters!


**If you have questions about Multicultural Children’s Book Day, how to get involved, or how to get free books for your school or classroom, email Frances at admin (at) multiculturalchildrensbookday (dot) com **




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Frances Evans

Frances Díaz Evans is a Latina Author, Educator, Multicultural and Language Advocate. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Universidad del Este in Puerto Rico and a master’s degree in Spanish education from the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. She joined Multicultural Children’s Book Day in the early days advocating for multicultural books as a book reviewer, then as a co-host, and now she’s excited to take on the role of project manager. Frances can be reached at admin (at)