Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

diversity in children’s books

Why We Need More Black Santas in Children's Books small

Why We Need More Black Santas in Children’s Books

It’s that magical time of year! For many families, a beloved holiday tradition is snuggling up together to read Christmas stories. Yet too often, those books do not reflect the families that are enjoying them. 

Lack of diversity in children’s books is a problem all year long, but it seems especially pressing during the holidays, when traditional stories and tropes often reign. One area where this is most obvious is the portrayal of Santa Claus. Though based on a real person from modern-day Turkey, Santa is most often portrayed as very fair-skinned. 

Guest post by Kayla Aldrich, Read to Them staff


Be it around the dinner table, on a car ride, or cuddled up before bed, time spent reading aloud with your child is precious. These moments are deposits into a bank of good memories that will grow and pay dividends for years to come.

According to the Scholastic Kids & Family Reading Report, 87% of kids aged 6-7 “loved or liked read-aloud time.” So, an eagerness to spend time together is likely already present. By reading aloud from a book selected by your child, you can unlock a wealth of benefits.

Over the last 9+ years as Project Manager for MCBD, I’ve had the honor of working with a wide range of amazing authors who are all striving to create beautiful books that fill a gap and a need.

One thing I know for sure is that, when I ask them why they write diverse books for kids or teens, they never say, “I write books because I want to make a million bucks.”


Guest Post By Jodi Murphy

So many women trailblazers who made ground-breaking societal contributions have been written out of history. Half of humanity ignored! The vital roles of women have often been misrepresented, downplayed, or hidden from our history books.

We’d like to highlight the stories of 5 resilient women of history who achieved success despite overwhelming obstacles. Each faced a form of misogyny, prejudice, discrimination, and injustice only to rise above societal setbacks and make huge impacts in science, art, sports, technology, and human rights!