Fathers Incorporated (FI) is a national, non-profit organization working to build stronger families and communities through the promotion of Responsible Fatherhood. Established in 2004, FI has a unique seat at the national table, working with leaders in the White House, Congress, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Family Law, and the Responsible Fatherhood Movement. FI works collaboratively with organizations around the country to identify and advocate for social and legislative changes that lead to healthy father involvement with children, regardless of the father’s marital or economic status, or geographic location. From employment and incarceration issues, to child support and domestic violence, FI addresses long-standing problems to achieve long-term results for children, their families, the communities, and nation in which they live.
2017 Gold Sponsor,
Fathers Incorporated,
Kenneth Braswell,
MCCBD Sponsor,
Multicultural Author,
Multicultural Books for kids,
Multicultural Children's Author,
Multicultural Children's Book Authors,
Multicultural Children's Book Day,
multicultural children's book day sponsor,
multicultural children's book publisher,
Real Dads Read,
Spotlight on a Sponsor