Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Guest Posts

{Guest Post by Language Lizard}


Have you ever walked through a park and thought, “Wow! This reminds me of a book I read when I was a kid!” but you can’t be sure which one? With a StoryWalk®, you don’t have to rely on nostalgia because the book joins you on your stroll. You can even expose yourself to a new language with a Multilingual StoryWalk®.

Guest Post By Jodi Murphy

So many women trailblazers who made ground-breaking societal contributions have been written out of history. Half of humanity ignored! The vital roles of women have often been misrepresented, downplayed, or hidden from our history books.

We’d like to highlight the stories of 5 resilient women of history who achieved success despite overwhelming obstacles. Each faced a form of misogyny, prejudice, discrimination, and injustice only to rise above societal setbacks and make huge impacts in science, art, sports, technology, and human rights!

(Guest post from Barefoot Books)

From the very beginning, Barefoot Books have represented a vast array of cultures and perspectives, while also providing children of all backgrounds a mirror of their own experiences.

{Guest post from Jackie Bunn and Lois Petren}

Co-founders of The Five Enchanted Mermaids, Jackie Bunn and Lois Petren, have been friends for over 35 years.

This dynamic duo met in Princeton, N.J. back in the early 1980s. In spite of their different backgrounds, the two women hit it off and soon discovered that they had quite a few things in common.  Besides a shared love of cooking, travel, working in New York City, and exercise, they were both married, had careers, and each had a couple of children. As the years progressed, Lois and Jackie’s life experiences and geographic locations changed, but the thread of friendship always connected the two across the miles.

{Guest post By Tonya Duncan Ellis}


Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

April is National Poetry Month.


Clearly, my poetry writing skills are lacking, but I love reading and hearing poetry.