Free Resources to Keep Young Minds Learning | Part TWO
Free Resources for Distance Learners and Homeschoolers...
Free Resources for Distance Learners and Homeschoolers...
As you may know, Multicultural Children’s Book Day (MCCBD) is a non-profit that works with authors to get their books reviewed during our online event and also works to get free diversity children’s books into the hands of young readers. Your readership and support is a gift that we deeply value.
As you may know, the online event/holiday takes place every January 27th and we are now in our 5th year. BUT this year, the official “day” falls on a Saturday. No biggee for most party-goers, but a bit of a style-cramper for educators and librarians.
So starting on January 22nd all the way until the Big Day (1/27/18) we will be encouraging young readers, caregivers, grandparents, parents, teachers and librarians to “party” the week leading up with their own gatherings, booklists, social media tweets and books reviews. Our own reviewers (300+ of them!) will be busy sharing their own multicultural books reviews online and we expect Authors and Sponsors will have some fun and goodies up their sleeves as well.