Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Foreign Languages Tag

{Guest post by Language Lizard}

The Afghan immigrant population in the United States has grown faster over the last decade than many others.  In fact, over 55,000 Afghan refugees arrived in 2021 alone and 44% of those refugees are children being housed temporarily at US military bases. With the focus on Afghanistan this year, we wanted to take a look at the languages that are spoken in the country, interesting facts, and bilingual resources for these new immigrants. 

**guest post from author, Judy Martialay** Foreign language skills will open doors for your child, regardless of his or her career choice. Language is about life. Wherever there is communication with people who speak another language, in our country or abroad, knowing another language is an asset or is required. This is why languages are one of...

Proficiency in a second language has many advantages: access to millions more people around the world; career opportunities; cognitive benefits; appreciation and enjoyment of cultural diversity; greater mastery of English. For your middle/teen-age child, language learning can help to develop those much needed social skills: openness to others, tolerance of differences, expression of opinions, and compassion. It...