Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Diverse Book Review

Sometimes the idea for a great diverse picture book for kids comes from the more genuine and authentic sources. That is exactly the case with Alex Asks About Auntie's Airplane Day by Carolyn Wilhelm. The idea for this book occurred to Carolyn when she saw her-2-year-old grandson watch his Auntie Betsy from South Korea, and seem...

Through color-coding in stores, kids "learn" which toys are "supposed" to be for girls or boy. Pink and yellow toys are considered "girly" and anything blue or dark green is obviously for boys, right? What about the toys themselves? Can boys play with dolls and girls play with trucks? Of course, they can. And that's the open-minded...

guest post from author, Danual Berkley After getting out of the military, I self-published my first book Wonderful Magical Place. I did not know anything about publishing and marketing, so it didn’t do too well. I eventually gave up writing for several years until my wife encouraged me to get back into it. She thought it...

Article and interview courtesy of Becky Flansburg One of the co-founders of MCBD, Mia Wenjen, made a comment on a podcast recently that was beautifully accurate. Mia stated that, when it comes to introducing kids to multiculturalism in this world, two of the best ways to do so is through books and food. The Seattle-based book publisher,...

Guest Post by author Christina Matula Becoming a writer was not something I dreamt about while growing up. My parents guided me into the path of math and science so I could get a good, stable job, which for them was of paramount importance like it was for many immigrants of their generation.  Writing is something...