Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


What Can We Do with Garbage? An English/Indonesian Book for Kids (+ a Giveaway!)

Review by MCCBD Project Manager, Becky Flansburg

Bilingual books are in high demand from parents, teachers and librarians, but it’s not often that one sees a English/Indonesian book much less one with such a timely topic.

“What Can We Do with Garbage?” was written by author Visi Asriningtyas and Visi is keen to write about environmental science – engineering related subjects, mostly for children to help them live in a more environmentally safe world for their everyday life. She was born in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 1975.

bilingual picture book

After graduating from UGM (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia) in Environmental Science Program, Visi has written several journals and made some books.


The books that she wrote are “Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air (Water Resources Development)” with Sudjarwadi, B. Anton S., and M. Pandu Samudero, for sophomore to postgraduate; “Aku Cinta Sungaiku (I Love My River)” with Agus Maryono, for kindergarten kids; “Apakah Itu Pemanasan Global? (What is Global Warming?)”, for elementary to junior high school children; all are in Indonesian; and “What Can We Do with Garbage? (Sampah Bisa Diapakan ya?)” which is bilingual (English-Indonesian) for children from 4 to 8 years old or those who are interested in learning about simple waste management.


This bilingual book (English-Indonesian) is a solid-waste-management story book for everyday life. It tells about what we should do with garbage that is always around us everyday and what will happen if we do not care. This book uses simple sentences for children from 4 to 8 years old and it contains many photos to explain how children can participate in cleaning the environment. Teachers and parents can help children to read aloud with fun. Many plots are taken in Sapporo, which is clean and beautiful, that can inspire other communities to do the same. Enjoy reading this book for your children.

I had the wonderful opportunity to pick Visi’s brain on a few things including her inspiration for this unique book:

Me: What was your inspiration for Garbage…?
Visi: My inspiration was the clean city of Sapporo where once I lived in with my daughter who was also separating our garbage at home. I thought that it will be great to have a book out of our everyday life work which makes the earth cleaner.
Me: Who is your mentor or biggest influencer when it comes to your writing?
Visi: My biggest mentor actually was my father, who gave me moral and also some financial support to make the book done. Then Asano Keiko who likes to teach separating garbage to children, and also Colleen Ishiyama, my American-Japanese friend.
Me: If you were to let parents, teachers and librarians know ONE THING about What Can We Do With Garbage..what would that one thing be?
Visi: Help to save energy of the earth better with separating garbage starting from our own homes.
Me: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Visi: Writing for children and writing in the field of water related science- engineering matters from home.
Me: If you were to give any advice to the those who dream of writing and publishing a book, what advice would you give?
Visi: Be self confidence to write what you have done in your everyday life and coincide with your academic background.
Me: What are you most grateful for?
Visi: I am most grateful of having my children who filled my life with doing and listening to my advice, and also other children around me, as well as my kind American friends who are encouraging me to survive as is as a mom and a freelancer.
Me: What would you like readers to know about Visi Asriningtyas?
Visi: A mother who is hoping for a better earth to live in, with one of her advice is to separate garbage starting from home, thus helping the community and government to make the management of waste easier.


ONE winner will receive a copy of “What Can We Do with Garbage?”. Giveaway begins 10/3/16

  • Prizing & samples  courtesy of Authors of the above books
  • Giveaway open to US addresses only
  • ONE lucky winner will win one copy of each of the above books.
  • Residents of USA only please.
  • Must be 18 years or older to enter
  • One entry per household.
  • Staff and family members of Audrey Press are not eligible.
  • Grand Prize winner has 48 hours to claim prize
  • Winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter on 10/10/16

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**We were gifted a copy of What Can we do With Garbage. Opinions expressed are purely our own.

**Some of these links are affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, MCCBD will get a very small commission. This money will be used to get more multicultural books into the hands of parents, teachers and librarians.

Authors & Publishers: Sponsorship Info for 2017

Our Medallion Level Sponsorships (Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze) and our Author Sponsorships for MCCBD 2017 will re-open on September 25th, 2016. View 2016’s Sponsors and Authors Sponsors. We look forward to working with you! Go HERE for details and 2017 rates.

Would you like to be a Review for MCCBD 2017 and Receive aFree Diversity Book?

Bloggers can go here to  sign up via a Google Sign-up and review a multicultural children’s book for this event. MCCBD is also open to reviewers do not have a blog, but have a strong presence on Facebook and LinkedIn.

How It Works

Bloggers are then “matched” with an author or publisher that will supply them with a free children’s book to review. Bloggers are encouraged to read the books and share their thoughts on the book (a basic book review) in the form of a blog post.Many bloggers add a book extension activity. Go HERE for the full details and instructions.

Once their book review blog post is live (any time between January 1 and January 27th is good), bloggers are invited to “link up” their blog post on the Linky that will be found on any of our CoHosts’ sites and also the MCCBD website. This linky will go live on January 27th..

(NOTE: We will not be shipping out any books for the 2017 online event until Nov/Dec of 2016!)

Direct all questions and inquires to becky (at) multiculturalchildrensbookday (dot) com

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