Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Virtual Book Drive Tag

Today is the day! It’s Multicultural Children’s Book Day!

Today we are Celebrating:

A giant blog tour and Link-up
Our Big MCCBD Linky is LIVE today so that bloggers can link up their multicultural children’s book reviews so that readers, parents, teachers, librarians, and caregivers can explore lots of books with diversity content via book reviews, book lists, and links.

MCCBD has partnered with First Book to create a Virtual Book Drive connected to their Stories for All initiative which features books that contain a diverse array of characters and cultures. The money raised through your local Virtual Book Drive will provide new books to kids in need in communities; every $2.50 raised translates into one brand-new book for a child. We have created our own Virtual Book Drive page to raise funds to purchase multicultural books that First Book will work to distribute to under-served children. The MCCBD Virtual Book Drive is now LIVE so please visit the page and do your part on getting books into the hands of kids!
First Book Virtual Book Drive for Multicultural Children's Book Day

First Book Virtual Book Drive for Multicultural Children’s Book Day


Help get books to children in need in our community!

So many of the children in your own community lack access to the books they need to help them be successful in school and beyond. First Book- Multicultural Children’s Book Day  is planning to change this situation.   From now until February 1, 2015 we are hosting a Virtual Book Drive to raise $5,000 to buy brand new books for the kids in all communities. To make it a success, we need your help. Here’s what you can do:

  • Donate online at First Book/MCCBD’s Virtual Book Drive Page. Every $2.50 will help provide one book for a child in need.
  • Spread the word. Tell your friends to donate. Tweet about it. Facebook it. And remember, every dollar we raise gets us one step closer to ensuring children in need can open the pages of brand new books and the doors to a brighter future.

Join us in changing the future of today’s children through brand new multicultural books!