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Picture books featuring diverse moms Tag


Picture books featuring diverse moms, dads, and families.  

Guest post by Carol Gordon Ekster

The story behind Some Daddies is that on 12/17/17 my husband and I were Facetiming with my grandson.  He noticed my husband had shaved, said his daddy shaved but has a beard so he’s going to have a beard when he gets older because he’s going to be a daddy. I said…”Some daddies have beards..” I paused, my writing brain ignited, to write down that title and started working on a draft soon after that.   Exactly one year to the day, I saw on the submittable that Beaming Books was interested. I had put a pitch on Twitter for #pbpitch on 10/25/18 “SOME DADDIES-a concept PB with heart…” Naomi Krueger from Beaming Books hearted my pitch and the rest is history! It is dedicated to my grandson who planted the idea and to my amazing dad, who passed away before he got to see the final book. With a “windows-to-the-world cover” this rollicking showcase of daddies celebrates the incredible diversity of modern fathers. Every daddy is different–and that makes them even more special!