Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


Spotlight on a Sponsor: Double Dutch Dolls {Gorgeous multicultural books and dolls!}

The MCCBD team is so excited to welcome yet another amazing and unique Bronze Sponsor; Double Dutch Dolls!

Double Dutch Dolls
An innovative Marietta, GA based company, Double Dutch Dolls launched in March 2014 their fresh, exciting line of unique multicultural books and dolls. Double Dutch Dolls is designed to be fresh and fun targeting girls ages 6-13 and encourages young girls to be beautiful, brilliant and brave through characters they can relate to. Known as the ‘Double Dutch Dolls’, the 6 stylish and smart characters, including twin sisters ‘Kaila and Zaria Bradley’, along with their friends Sascha, Alainna, Trinity and Kadence navigate the ups and downs of middle school friendships, peer pressure, homework and fun. The product line includes a book series, line of 18” fashion dolls, and accessories for today’s girl.

Double Dutch Dolls
Double Dutch Dolls, LLC designs, manufacturers and licenses product under the Double Dutch Dolls brand. The company’s current product line includes a multicultural book series, line of 18”fashion dolls and accessories for girls.
Based on the fictional lives of 14-year-old identical twins Kaila and Zaria Bradley and their four friends, each character in the line is smart, beautiful, and stylish. Designed to showcase the amazing ethnic diversity of African-American, Hispanic, Biracial and Multiracial girls.

Double Dutch Dolls primary products are the Double Dutch Dolls book series and line of 18” multicultural fashion dolls. Please visit is at the upcoming  Toy Fair 2015 in NYC Feb 14-17 and the Harlem Book Fair, July 2015!

Connect with Double Dutch Dolls on their website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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