With our Hosts and Co-Hosts, our social media reach was 29,203,106 during the week of Multicultural Children’s Book Day!
We were thrilled to have publishers and bloggers support Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2016. Combined with our Multicultural Children’s Book Day Twitter Party, we had an additional social media share reach of 64,189,025.
Our Author Sponsors also shared Multicultural Children’s Book Day during the week with their social media share reach of 1,674,669.
180+ wonderful bloggers stepped forward and agreed to review multicultural children’s books for our special event. They shared on their social media which totaled a social media share reach of 1,102,308.
Our total social media share reach for Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2016 was an astounding 96,169,108.
*For Multicultural Children’s Book Day, we hand-tabulated the social media shares of most of the individuals listed here, tracking Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest social media shares only. Additional social media shares on Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn and other social media platforms were not included. Social media shares by individuals not listed here were also not counted.