MCBD Book Reviewers: Don’t Forget about Goodreads and Amazon!
Sign up to be a MCBD2022 Book Reviewer is now closed
As our 9th annual event inches closer and October comes to a close, the MCBD Team has been busy preparing and up-leveling this epic online (and offline!) celebration.
Lately, we’ve had many inquiries about “what it takes” to be a book reviewer for Multicultural Children’s Book Day. The main focus behind reviewing a kids’ or YA book in honor of our celebration is to share all of the amazing diverse books, authors, and publishers available with the world.
That being said, the main criteria for being an MCBD reviewer are:
- Have a love for diversity in children’s literature.
- Have a place to share a review of the book you are assigned.
The “sharing” part can take many forms and even though sharing on social media and using our official hashtag of #ReadYourWorld is our favorite, reviewers are also welcome to share their reviews on sites like Goodreads, Amazon, and even in offline settings like classrooms, daycares, community gatherings, and libraries.
Here are ways/places for you to share a book review in honor of MCBD2022:
Facebook (Pages only-no Facebook profiles)
Twitter (Private Accounts are not Eligible)
Instagram (Private Accounts are not Eligible)
Classroom or Library Read Alouds
With that, we are proud to introduce our new Book Reviewer Sign-Up program and we also encourage book lovers far-n-wide to sign up for a free diverse book to review for our 1/28/22 event!
P.S. Spread the word!!
CLICK THIS LINK TO SIGN UP TO BE A Book Reviewer for MCBD2022! (1/28/22)
GO HERE to sign up!
January 28, 2022, will mark the 9th year of Multicultural Children’s Book Day’s (MCBD) quest to get culturally diverse books into the hands of children, parents, teachers, and librarians. As you may know, Multicultural Children’s Book Day (MCBD) is a non-profit that works with authors to get their books reviewed during our online event and also works to get free diversity children’s books into the hands of young readers.
Multicultural Children’s Book Day (MCBD) is an online and offline celebration that attracts thousands of supporters, educators, parents, caregivers, book reviewers, and quality authors and publishers who join forces to shine the spotlight on diversity in children and YA literature. Celebrated annually on the last Friday in January, this global non-profit offers a plethora of free resources, teaching tools, booklists, downloads, and a year-round initiative to get multicultural and diverse books into the hands of young readers. To date, they have donated over 10,000 books to underserved kids, classrooms, and organizations, and that number continues to climb. To learn more about MCBD, visit them on the web and be follow their official hashtag #ReadYourWorld on social media.
Reviewer sign-up deadline is 12/15/21
(NOTE: We will not be shipping out any books for the 2022 online event until Nov/Dec of 2021!