Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Initiative Summery

Read Your World Initiative SUMMARY**


“Mia and Val–You both started a movement that will outlive you. Hopefully, one day will come when this celebration isn’t needed because it will have fully succeeded in its mission to bring diverse window/mirror books.” ~Annie Lynn Music


Read Your World is an online and offline celebration that attracts thousands of supporters, educators, parents, caregivers, book reviewers, and quality authors and publishers who join forces to shine the spotlight on diversity in children’s and young adult literature.

Celebrated annually on the last Thursday in January, this global non-profit offers a plethora of free resources, teaching tools, booklists, downloads, and a year-round initiative to get multicultural and diverse books into the hands of young readers.

To date, we have donated over 10,800+ books to underserved kids, classrooms, and organizations, and that number continues to climb.

We also create resources to help readers, educators, librarians, parents, and caretakers find the right diverse books that they need.


Summary of Read Your World Event

FIRST, a unique opportunity to shine the spotlight on diverse/multicultural books, authors, and publishers.

SECOND, a giant online book reviewing event —
Book appreciators, readers, parents, teachers, librarians, and caregivers have the opportunity to explore lots of children’s and YA books with diverse content via online marketing that provides robust visibility for authors and publishers, book reviews, classroom kits, classroom book bundles, contests, giveaways, book lists, activity suggestions, and links.

THIRD, a giant networking event —
An ongoing mission to connect organizers, sponsors, co-hosts, bloggers, and others interested in expanding awareness of, and promotion of multicultural children’s books via our Twitter Party and very active MCBD Facebook Group.

FOURTH, an offline classroom, library, or gathering place celebration —
A chance for students, educators, and parents to celebrate diversity and multicultural books in the months leading up to, and during, the Multicultural Children’s Book Day celebration that is held on the last Friday in January.

FIFTH, a year-long literacy-based initiative-

That works tirelessly to provide books to classrooms, organizations, and under-served kids all year long via book donations.

Use hashtag #ReadYourWorld for social media.


Learn more about Read Your World HERE.

Learn how we classify a “diverse book” HERE.